List Values

Every firm has its own processes and terminology—a fact that PensionPro embraces in its design. However, this presents challenges when it comes to providing categories and classifications for stored data. List Values are PensionPro's answer to this. A firm can utilize List Values to control many of the categories and data definitions seen throughout the application. If values for a PensionPro field are selected from a dropdown list, nine times out of ten, the options for that dropdown are determined by List Values.


Tier Availability: Track, Team, Business

Security Rights Required: Maintenance


Note: Some items may not be available in all tiers.


Article Contents




General Information


To access the List Values tab, select MaintenanceList Values.


The Views panel on the left separates List Types into relevant categories and sub-categories that can be expanded and collapsed. The available categories vary by tier level. Selecting a List Type from the Views panel will display any existing List Values for that Type in the grid on the right.


New List Values can be added to any List Type by selecting Addadd.png to the top-right of the grid. Existing List Values can be edited by hovering over the item within the grid, then selecting Editedit.png on the right.


  • Display Name and Description are required fields.
  • Display Name is the value that PensionPro will use when the List Value is referenced. For example, the Plan Status List Type may have two values with the Display Names Active and Terminated.
  • Active is selected by default; removing the selection will make the List Value Inactive. To maintain the integrity of existing data, List Values cannot be deleted. However, marking a List Value as inactive will hide it from the List Values tab, and it will no longer be available for users to select from the relevant dropdown list.


Inactive List Values can be displayed by selecting Moremore_options.pngShow Inactive.


In most cases, List Values need to be created prior to importing any data that relies on them (such as Project Templates). Otherwise, the import will fail.



Core List Values


The Core menu contains the majority of List Types, broken down into further categories such as Plan and Project.





The following List Types pertain to Client records; most can be found throughout The Client Tab:


Client Category

This List Type is versatile, and can be used to categorize Clients in a variety of ways. Potential uses include indicating high-value Clients, or identifying Clients based on acquisitions.

Entity Type The Client's business entity, such as Limited Liability Company or Non-Profit.
Family Relationship The relationship type for any owners or officers of the Client company, such as Child, Parent, or Spouse.
Officer Title The position or rank for owners or officers within the Client company, such as CEO or President.
Payroll Frequency The Client's payroll period, such as Biweekly or Monthly.






The following List Types pertain to Contact records; most can be found throughout The Contact Tab:


Contact Category This List Type is versatile, and can be used to categorize Contacts in a variety of ways. These categorizations can facilitate Blast Email and other communications. Potential uses include denoting sales region or identifying referral types.
Contact Grouping A versatile categorization, similar to Contact Category. Potential uses include denoting a Contact's industry or assigning a representative.
Contact Preference

Method by which a Contact may prefer to interact, such as Phone or Email.

Contact Profession The position or profession held by a Contact, such as Broker or Attorney.
Contact Source The manner by which a Contact became a Contact, such as Referral or Walk-In.
Contact Status The current status of a Contact, such as Active or New.
Prefix Prefixes and other salutations that may precede a Contact's name, such as Mr., Ms., or Dr.
Suffix Suffixes and other titles that may follow a Contact's name, such as Jr., Ph.D., or Esq.




File Types


The following List Types pertain to Files & Documents:


Administrative Form Type Category type for Files uploaded to the Plan tab > Files grouping > Administrative Forms view. Examples include Hardship Form and Loan Application. Display Name will double as the document title for users on PlanSponsorLink; Description will likewise be visible.
Distribution Category type for Files uploaded to the Project tab > Files view for Distribution Projects. Examples include Distribution Request Form and Amortization Schedule. Display Name will double as the document title for users on PlanSponsorLink; Description will likewise be visible.
Fiduciary Category type for Files uploaded to the Plan tab > Files grouping > Fiduciary Files view. Examples include Fund Performance Report and Investment Policy Statement. Display Name will double as the document title for users on PlanSponsorLink; Description will likewise be visible.
Plan Document Category type for Files uploaded to the Plan tab > Files grouping > Legal Plan Files view. Examples include Adoption Agreement and Safe Harbor Notice. Display Name will double as the document title for users on PlanSponsorLink; Description will likewise be visible.
Project Category type for Files uploaded to the Project tab > Files view. Examples include Form 5500 and Compliance Report. Display Name will double as the document title for users on PlanSponsorLink; Description will likewise be visible. Selecting Allow for PSL Upload for a List Value will allow a Plan Sponsor to select that File type when uploading documents during Annual Data Collection.
Web Category
This list type categorizes Files viewed by Plan Sponsors on the Documents tab of PSL. Examples include Administrative Forms and General Documents. Enabling the Fiduciary option for a List Value will indicate that the category is fiduciary for reporting purposes.






The following List Types can be found in various places throughout PensionPro:


Address Type Labels for Company or Contact addresses, such as Billing Address or Shipping Address.
Billing Code This List Type is intended to match a firm's billing system; Billing Codes are referenced by Time Codes for the purpose of tracking billable time. Refer to Recording & Tracking Time.
Blast Email Category A category type that can be applied to Blast Email Templates for the purposes of filtering. Examples may include Annual Compliance or Restatements.
Document Specification Status The current status of a Document Specifications item within the Plan tab > Specifications view, such as Active or Pending.
Note Category A category type that can be applied to Notes found in many tabs, such as the Client and Plan tabs. Examples may include Billing or Customer Service.
Number Type Labels for Company or Contact phone numbers, such as Mobile Number or Fax Number.
Status A general-purpose status indicator that can be applied to a variety of records, such as Clients and Plans. Examples include Active or Terminated.
To-Do Status A status indicator that can be applied to To-Dos found in many tabs, such as the Plan and Project tabs. Examples may include In Progress or Deferred. Each value has a Completed attribute; if set to Yes, a To-Do's Completion Date will be automatically populated if that value is chosen. Only one value may have Completed set to Yes.






The following List Types apply specifically to Interactions. For more information, refer to the article Interactions.


Interaction Role

Used by Interaction Type, below, to label participants during the creation of a new Interaction. Examples include Attendee and Recipient. Each entry requires a Base Type that defines the List Value and applies any relevant functionality.

  • Available Base Types are BCC, CC, From, Sender, Signer, and To.
Interaction Type

A category that defines the Interaction. Examples may include Blast Email or Web Meeting. Each entry requires a Base Type that defines the List Value and applies any relevant functionality, as well as the Roles (above) that are used to label Interaction participants.

  • Available Base Types are Call, E-Signature Document, Email, Fax, Mail, Meeting, and Secure File Exchange.






The following List Types apply specifically to Investment Provider records, found in the Plan tab > Investment Providers view.


1099 Responsibility The party responsible for preparation of the Form 1099-R for Distributions. Examples may include Internal or Third Party Vendor.
Data Collection Source Identifies the manner in which investment or accounting information is received. Examples include Monthly/Quarterly Statements and Client Submission.
Distribution Processor The party responsible for processing Plan Distributions. Examples may include Vendor Platform or In-House.
Fee Disclosure Types The type of fee disclosure required for the Plan, such as 408(b)(2) or 404(a)(5).
Investment Direction The type of direction required for Plan investments. Examples may include Model Portfolio, Brokerage Window, or Trustee Directed.
Investment Model The form of the investment used by the Plan, such as Annuities, Mutual Funds, or Real Estate.
Investment Provider

The name of the investment provider for the Plan, such as TransAmerica or John Hancock.

  • May include individual investment names in a balance forward sheet, if desired.
  • For in-house recordkeeping, this could be investment names, or simply "In-House Recordkeeping".
Revenue Sharing Type The revenue sharing arrangement for the Plan. Examples include 12(b)(1) and Shareholder Servicing.
Transfer Status The status of Plan asset transfers, such as Current or New.
Vesting Submission Identifies the party responsible for submitting vesting information to the investment provider. Examples include Provided by Client and Uploaded by TPA.






The following List Types pertain to Plan records; most can be found throughout The Plan Tab:


Claim Processing Location The location where claim processing is performed. This could simply be In-House or Third Party, or could be split into physical locations or regions.
Client Servicing Level A level of service, either established per client agreements or internal standards. Examples include Tier 1 and Tier 2, or Gold, Silver, and Bronze.
Combo Plan

Identifies when a 401(k) Plan is combined with a Defined Benefits Plan.

  • Yes and No are common List Values for this Type. Other identifiers, such as "Yes, Alternate TPA", may be added if desired.
Employee Plan Role This List Type dictates the roles that may service a Plan, and are assigned to Employees on a per-Plan basis. Examples may include Administrator, Technical Reviewer, or Consultant. These roles are referenced throughout PensionPro, but are heavily utilized by Projects in particular.
Filing Cycle Indicates the filing cycle for Plan document submission. The default values reflect the current filing guidelines; alternate examples may include Quarterly or Annual.
Form 5500 Type The 5500 filing type required for the Plan, such as 5500 EZ or Owner Only < $250,000.
IRA Rollover Provider A Plan's rollover provider for the purposes of cash-out. Examples include Millennium Trust and PenChecks.
Participant Statement Delivery The delivery method used for delivering participant statements, such as USPS or E-Statement.
Payroll Contribution Calculation The type of contribution calculation performed for a Plan. Examples may include Discretionary Match or Safe Harbor Match.
Payroll Frequency The frequency at which the Plan's participants are paid, such as Bi-Weekly or Semi-Monthly.
PBGC The filing status for Defined Benefit Plans that may be subject to the requirements of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. Examples may include Yes, No - Professional Service < 26 employees, or No - Exclusively for substantial owners > 10%.
Plan Admin Type The type of administration that is being performed for the Plan, such as 5500 Only, Compliance Only, or Full Administration. This is a generalized designation; for individual services, refer to Service Provided, below.
Plan Category This List Type is versatile, and can be used to categorize Plans in a variety of ways. These categorizations can facilitate Blast Email and other communications. Potential uses include denoting regional locations or services levels.
Plan Contact Role This List Type categorizes the parties outside of the firm who may have an interest in the Plan, and are assigned to Contacts on a per-Plan basis. A Contact may be assigned to one, many, or all of a Plan's Contact Roles, as necessary. Examples may include 5500 Signer, Main Contact, and Payroll Provider. These roles are most commonly used for communications and to provide access to PlanSponsorLink.
Plan Cycle Status

A status that can be applied to a Plan Cycle period, such as Active or On-Hold.

  • Values within this List Type also contains a Default field to specify which Value is used as the default when a new Plan Cycle is added to a Plan.
Plan Group

A versatile categorization, similar to Plan Category. Potential uses include assigning Plan tiers or denoting billing groups.

Plan On Hold Reason

Generally set when a Plan is placed On Hold to inform others of the rationale. Some examples may include Late Payment and Terminating Plan.

Plan Termination Reason

Used when a Plan is terminated to identify the cause of termination. This may include a Client Resignation or Service Termination.

Plan Type

Defines the type of Plan. This can be 401(k), 403(b), Cash Balance, or Defined Benefit, among many others.

QDIA Fund Name

The name of the fund used as the Plan's Qualified Default Investment Alternative. Any relevant fund names can be used for easy selection.

Remittance Type

The method via which remittance is transmitted for contribution funding. Options could include ACH, Check, or Wire.

Service Provided

Each of these List Values represents a single service that is provided for the Plan. Examples may include Actuarial Services, Benchmarking, or Recordkeeping. Any number of these services can be added to the Plan tab > Services Provided view.


The status of the Plan. Some examples are Active, Onboarding, and Services Terminating.

Trading Platform

The trading platform utilized by the Plan for investment purposes, such as Charles Schwab or John Hancock.

Valuation Frequency

The valuation timing for the Plan, such as Annually, Monthly, or Quarterly.






The following List Types pertain to Project records; most can be found throughout The Project Tab, or during Data Collection for Annual Administration Projects:


Coverage Tier The type of health insurance coverage for a participant; this information may be collected during Annual Administration. Coverage types could include Single, Family, Husband/Wife, or Waive.
Event Category This List Type is versatile, and can be used to categorize Events created for Event Management. Usage can vary, but categorizing Events based on Plan types or Data Collection steps is common.
Project Field Project Fields can be applied to Task Items in the Project Template; this allows the response to the Task Item to be referenced in other areas of PensionPro, such as in filters or reports. For more information, refer to the article Project Fields.
Participant Gender
Determines the available options for the Gender Collection Field on the Employee Census step of Annual Data Collection. The default values, Female and Male, are required and cannot be edited; additional values may be added if desired.
Project Status Tracks a Project's current state. Common statuses could be In Process, Aborted, or Completed, but this List Type can be greatly expanded to break down stages in a Project, allowing the Project's progress to be viewed at a glance.
Project Type Used to categorize Project Templates. When launching a Project, the Project Type is chosen first; the user is then able to select from a smaller set of Templates relevant to that Project Type. Some examples are Accounting, Plan Conversion, and Restatement.
Separation Reason The reason for a participant's change in employment status; this information may be collected during Annual Administration. Reasons may include Death, Disability, Military Service, or Termination.
Task Category A versatile category that can be applied to individual Tasks, largely used to group or report on similar Tasks across multiple Projects. Categorization could be performed based on Plan administration requirements, actions to be performed, or Task urgency.
Task Status Similar to Project Status, but tracks the state of the individual Task. Often used to specify the reason a Task is on hold or what information is needed.




Distribution List Values


Tier Availability: Business

Add-On Availability: Distributions


The Distributions menu contains a number of List Types applicable to Distribution Projects.


Distribution Status Tracks a Distribution's current state. Common statuses could be In Process, Completed, or Not in Good Order, but this List Type can be greatly expanded to break down stages in a Distribution, allowing the Distribution's progress to be viewed at a glance.
Key Employee Type Classifies a participant as a key employee, if relevant. Examples may include Officer, Owner, or Family Member.
Vesting Sources Defines the vesting source for a Distribution. Some examples include Pre-Tax Salary Deferral, Discretionary Match, or Safe Harbor Non-Elective.




Fee Schedule List Values


Tier Availability: Team, Business


The Fee Schedules menu provides a selection of List Types used for Plan Fees, set during Fee Schedule Template creation in PensionPro's Preferences, and found within the Plan tab > Fee Schedules view.


Fee Amount Type

Used alongside the Fee Amount to determine an item's cost. Common options are Money, Percentage, or Basis Points.
Fee Category This List Type is versatile, and can be used to categorize Fees into broad types. Examples include Standard Fees, Hourly Fees, and Consulting Fees.
Fee Item Frequency The frequency at which the Fee Item is billed or received. This could be Annual, Monthly, Daily, or Per Item.
Fee Item Payment Source The method by which the Fee Item is paid. This may be ACH/Check, Forfeiture, or Plan Assets.
Fee Item Payor The entity responsible for paying the Fee Item. This may be the Plan Sponsor, Participant, Investment Provider, or Recordkeeper.
Fee Item Type The type of fee as it appears on a Fee Schedule. Some examples may include Base Fee, Hourly Fee, Audit Fee, or Filing Fee.




SalesPitch List Values


Add-On Availability: SalesPitch


The SalesPitch menu contains a few categories of List Types pertaining to Prospects, Opportunities, and Proposals, as well as expanding functionality for Contacts.





The following List Types are specific to the Contact tab > Sales view.


Broker Dealer The entity serving as Broker Dealer for a Contact who is an Investment Advisor. These are commonly financial institutions.
Platform Preference The investment platform preferred by a Contact who is an Investment Advisor. Some examples are Ameritrade, Fidelity, or John Hancock.




File Types


The following List Types are used to categorize Files uploaded to Prospects, Opportunities, or Proposals.


Opportunity File Type Category type for Files uploaded to the Opportunity tab > Files view. Examples may include Census Information, Questionnaire, or Projections.
Proposal File Type Category type for Files uploaded to the Proposal tab > Files view. Examples may include Fee Calculations, Investment Details, or Final Proposal.
Prospect File Type Category type for Files uploaded to the Prospect tab > Files view. Examples may include Prior Plan Information, Asset Information, or Compliance Report.






The following List Types may be found throughout SalesPitch, such as in the Proposal tab > Investments view, or the Contact tab > Sales view.


Investment Custodian The entity responsible for housing the investment. Examples may be JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, or Fidelity.
Investment Direction The type of direction required for Plan investments. Examples may include Model Portfolio, Brokerage Window, or Trustee Directed.
Investment Model The form of the investment, such as Annuities, Mutual Funds, or Real Estate.
Investment Provider

The name of an investment provider, such as TransAmerica or John Hancock.

  • May include individual investment names in a balance forward sheet, if desired.
  • For in-house recordkeeping, this could be investment names, or simply "In-House Recordkeeping".






The following List Types pertain to Proposal records; for more information, refer to Managing Proposal Information.


Conversion Type The type of Plan conversion, if applicable. Examples may include Startup, Spin-Off, or Merger.
Plan Type
Defines the type of the proposed Plan. This can be 401(k), 403(b), Cash Balance, or Defined Benefit, among many others.
Proposal Status
The current state of the Proposal, such as In Preparation, Delivered, or Won.
Reason Won/Lost
A breakdown of the Proposal's success or failure. This could be due to Asset Selection, Existing Relationships, or Pricing.
Sales Contact Role

Similar to a Plan Contact Role, this List Type categorizes the parties outside of the firm who may have an interest in the proposed Plan, and are assigned to Contacts on a per-Proposal basis. Examples include Main Contact, Investment Advisor, and Attorney.

  • Each Value for this List Type has an additional Is Referral Source option. When set to Yes, a Contact assigned to that Role will be shown on the Proposals Scoreboard as the Referral Source. Only one Role can be a Referral Source at any time.
Sales Referral Source

The method by which a potential client was referred to the firm. This could be by Marketing Campaign, Professional Referral, or Word of Mouth.

  • Each Value for this List Type has an additional Default option. When set to yes, the default Referral Source will automatically applied in the Add Proposal window. Only one Referral Source can be default at any time.
Services Proposed
Each of these List Values represents a single service that is being proposed for the new Plan. Examples may include Actuarial Services, Benchmarking, or Recordkeeping. Any number of these services can be added to the Proposal tab > Services view.
Valuation Frequency
The valuation timing for proposed Plan, such as Annually, Monthly, or Quarterly.






The following List Types pertain to Prospect records; for more information, refer to Managing Prospect Information.


Prospect Category

This List Type is versatile, but is commonly used to indicate the sales stage the Prospect is currently in. Values may include Lead, Pipeline, or Closed.

  • Each Value for this List Type has an additional Default option. When set to yes, the default Category will automatically applied in the Add Prospect window. Only one Category can be default at any time.
Sales Contact Role

Similar to a Plan Contact Role, this List Type categorizes the parties outside of the firm who may have an interest in a potential Plan, and are assigned to Contacts on a per-Prospect basis. Examples include Main Contact, Investment Advisor, and Attorney.

  • Each Value for this List Type has an additional Is Referral Source option. When set to Yes, a Contact assigned to that Role will be shown on the Prospects Scoreboard as the Referral Source. Only one Role can be a Referral Source at any time.
Sales Referral Source

The method by which a potential client was referred to the firm. This could be by Marketing Campaign, Professional Referral, or Word of Mouth.

  • Each Value for this List Type has an additional Default option. When set to yes, the default Referral Source will automatically applied in the Add Prospect window. Only one Referral Source can be default at any time.
Sales Territory
The sales territory that the Prospect falls under. This is commonly a geographic region, but could also be a state or even an office.




Template Data Types


Data Types are a specialized form of List Value. While most List Values are referenced by PensionPro in predetermined places, Data Types can provide customized dropdown options for any Task Item in any Project. Data Types are covered in greater detail in the article Data Types for Task Items.