PensionPro Reports

PensionPro reports are located in various locations in order to allow users to access reports faster and more efficiently. Users can find specific reports by clicking on the relative data selection in the Reports menu which is found within the Navigation Panel. This article explains the location of the Report in the Reports menu and a brief description of each report.


Tier Availability: Track, Team, Business


Note: Some items may not be available on all tiers.


Article Contents






  • Contacts: Shows a list of contacts and their general information, along with address and email: Includes contact name, company name, address type, street address, city, state, zip code, email address, contact preference, ok to email, ok to call, receive bulk email, investment advisor, accountant, attorney, auditor, referral source, and trustee.
  • Contacts Linked to Plans: Shows a list of contacts that are assigned to a specific contact plan role for a plan. Can also be used to show multiple contact plan roles: Includes plan name, administrator, contact role, contact name, number, number type, and contact email.
    • The Effective Date Before filter refers to the Services Effective Date of the Plan found on Plan Details. If a plan has a Services Effective Date that is not prior to the date entered in this filter, the plan and subsequent plan contacts will not appear on the report.
  • Contacts Missing Addresses or Numbers: Shows two lists of contacts: one missing addresses, the other missing phone numbers. This report includes a contact name, company name, and email address.
  • Contacts Missing Data: Shows a list of contacts that are missing salutation, email address, or contact preference: Includes a contact name, salutation, email address, and contact preference.
  • Contacts Missing Web Rights: Shows a list of contacts that are missing website security rights: Includes plan name, contact role name, company name, and email address. This report is only included with the PSL Add-on.
  • Contact Investment Listing: Shows a list of plan investment providers and plan contacts: Includes plan ID, plan name, investment provider, contact role, contact name, and company name.
  • Contact Web Registration Status: Shows a list of plan contacts and whether they have registered for PSL: Includes first and last name, company name, email address, and status and date of registration. This report is only included with the PSL Add-on.
  • Contact Web Rights by Plan: Shows a list of contacts and their web security rights: Includes plan name/PYE, contact name, contact role, and a column for each website security right. This report is only included with the PSL Add-on.
  • Plan Contacts Missing Addresses or Numbers: Shows two lists of contacts: one missing addresses, the other missing phone numbers. This report includes a contact name, company name, and email address.
  • Plan Contacts Missing Data: Shows a list of contacts that are missing salutation, email address, or contact preference: Includes contacts name, salutation, email address, or contact preference.





  • Communication Lists: Shows the contacts that appear on selected communication lists: Includes communication list, member name, company, email address, address type, address 1, address 2, city, state, and zip code.
    • Users can choose to display which columns they want to display by using the List of Columns to Display filter.
    • Users can narrow the number of rows that appear for a particular contact by reducing the returned Address Types selected in the Address Types filter.
  • Interaction Details: Shows the details and participants of a particular Interaction: Includes interaction title, details, participant name(s), date of interaction and interaction type.
    • First Select a Contact Name from the Contact Name filter and then choose an Interaction Type(s) from the Interaction Type filter. The Interaction Title filter will turn into a dropdown menu. Select an Interaction Title and click View Report.
  • Interaction List: Shows a list of Interactions for a set time frame: Includes interaction title, blast email template name, participant name(s), date of interaction, interaction type and status.
    • Select the time frame to filter by entering dates in the Start Date and End Date filters. Interactions returned, must fall between these dates. Select Interaction Type(s) and Interaction Title(s) from their respective filters and click View Report.
  • Secure File Exchange Status: Shows the accessed status of Secure File Exchanges that were sent to recipients: Includes title, document name, sender name, recipient name, date added, accessed date, days posted.
    • Select the time frame to filter by entering dates in the Start Date and End Date filters. Select the Access Status of the returned files from the Accessed Status filters. Select the Sender Name(s) and Recipient Name(s) from their respective filters and click View Report
    • Users can choose to filter by only accessed files, files not accessed, or both by using the Accessed Status filter.
  • Plan Contact Latest Interaction List: Shows a list of the latest Interactions for Plan Contacts by Employee Role and Employee Name: Includes interaction title, interaction type, interaction date, plan name, contact role, contact name, contact email address, number type, number, employee role, and employee name.
    • Select the Contact Role(s), Employee Role(s), and Employee Name(s) from their respective filters and click View Report.



Clients and Companies


  • Clients: Shows a list of clients: Includes client ID, client name, client status, client category, entity type, EIN, fiscal year end, payroll provider, NAIC code, and period end.
    • The employer information that appears is for the latest recorded Employer Data record entered for the Client.
  • Clients Missing Addresses or Numbers: Shows a list of clients that are missing addresses or phone numbers: Includes client name, client category, and client status.
  • Clients Missing Employer Data: Shows a list of clients missing employer data for a specific period end: Includes client ID, client name, client category, and client status. This report is not included in the Track tier.
  • Clients with Linked Plans: Shows a list of clients and their plans: Includes client ID, company name, client status, location, plan ID, plan name, and plan status.
  • Client Plan Types: Displays a cross-tab/pivot table report of Clients against Plan Types. The Plan Name will appear under the Plan Type column for a Client if it exists: Includes, client name, TPA plan ID, plan name, service effective on, and plan status.
    • Users can choose to display which columns they want to display by using the List of Columns to Display filter.
  • Clients with Linked Plans by Employee Role: Shows a list of clients and their linked plans by a specific employee plan role: Includes client ID, company name, entity type, client status, location, plan ID, plan name, plan status, employee role, and employee name.
  • Company Addresses: Shows a list of company addresses: Includes company name, company category, company status
  • Company Numbers: Shows a list of company numbers: Includes company name, company category, company status





  • Distribution Detail Report: Shows a list of information found on the Distribution Information sub-menu of a particular Distribution and Distribution Project Task Items: Includes Distribution Project Task Items, Distribution Information sub-menu values.
    • Users must enter either a SSN or Participant Name in the Search String field and click Enter to bring back related participants. Participants will appear in the Participant Results filter based on the Search String text.
    • Select Yes from the Display Notes filter to display any Notes that were entered in the Distribution Project.
  • Distribution Fees: Shows a list of distributions and the total fees: Includes plan ID, plan name, participant name, SSN, distribution reason, investment provider, completed date, fee, and distribution fee received.
    • Users can choose to display which columns they want to display by using the List of Columns to Display filter.
    • Distribution projects that have a completed date outside of the Completed Date On or After and Completed Date On or Before filters will be excluded from the results.
  • Distribution Status by Task: Shows a list of distributions that have been assigned to plans and what tasks have been completed for each distribution: Includes plan ID, plan name, participant name, distribution reason, project name, project manager, and a list of the tasks with their completed dates.
    • Users can select Yes on the Show Task Assignment filter to display who the task is assigned to, the Worktray the task is assigned to and the date the task was active.
    • A date will appear in the Task column if the task was completed.
  • Distribution Status by Task Grouping: Shows a list of distributions that have been assigned to plans and what task groupings have been completed for each distribution: Includes plan ID, plan name, participant name, distribution reason, project name, project manager, and a list of the task groupings with their completed dates.
  • 1099 Data Export: Creates an export file of 1099 data for Datair,, or Relius: Includes correct fields required dependent on software vendor chosen.
    • There needs to be a Process Date entered on the Distribution > 1099 sub-menu for the distribution to appear in this report.
    • If multiple Address Types are chosen in the Payers Address Type, the report could duplicate participant distribution records for each applicable Address Type entered on the related Client > Address menu.
    • Duplicate records can also appear in the 1099 Data Export if the user has overlapping period ends for Employer Data records for the same 1099 Year chosen in the report. The user should not have overlapping Employer Data records.
    • Users can select either Plan TIN or Client EIN on the 1099 Payor field of the Plan Details screen for a plan. The chosen applicable information for this field will be displayed on the 1099 Export Report.
    • If EIN is missing in the report, make sure 1099 Payor on the Plan > General menu is set to Client EIN. If the 1099 Payor field is set to Plan TIN, the EIN field will appear blank.



Document Specifications


  • Document Spec Template Types: Shows a list of document spec template types for document providers: Includes provider name, description, updated by, updated on, created by, and created on.
  • Document Spec Tags Listing: Shows a list of document spec tags: Includes section, display name, and description.
  • Document Specs Template Details: Shows a list of template details for specific templates: Includes provider name, document name, document description, created by name, created on date, and applicable specification fields dependent on the provider and template chosen.
  • Document Specs List by Provider: Shows a list of document specs: Includes plan ID, plan name, provider name, plan type, plan status, document name, and effective date.
  • Multiple Plan Document Spec Details: Shows a list of document specs for multiple plans and document versions: Includes plan ID, plan name, document provider, document type, effective date, and correct fields dependent on plan and document version chosen.
  • Single Plan Document Spec Details: Shows a list of document specs for a specific plan and document version: Includes correct fields dependent on plan and document version chosen.



Fee Schedules


  • Fee Schedule Template Detail: Shows the details of a fee schedule template: Includes fee item category, fee item type, fee amount, fee type, fee frequency, payor, and payment source.
  • Multiple Plan Fee Schedule Detail: Shows a list of plans with a specific fee schedule and some of the details of the fee schedule. Can also be used to show multiple fee schedules: Includes plan ID, plan name, plan category, the display name of fee schedule template, description, fee item type, fee amount, fee item frequency, payor, and payment source.
  • Plan Fee Schedule Listing: Shows a list of plans and their fee schedules: Includes plan ID, plan name, plan schedule name, description, start date, end date, fee schedule status, whom the fee schedule was created by, and when it was created on.
  • Plan Fee Schedule Detail: Shows the details of a specific fee schedule for a plan: Includes fee item category, fee item type, fee amount, fee frequency, payor, and payment source.





  • Plan Admin Forms Listing: This report shows a list of the admin forms in PensionPro: The report includes plan ID, plan name, plan status, title, file type, description, effective date, show on PSL, archived date, date added, and posted by.
    • The Effective Date Filter refers to the Effective Date of the Plan.
    • Users can choose to include Active Files, Archived Files or both by using the Archived filter.
    • Users can select which File Types to display based on their File Type filter selections.
    • Users can select which columns to display in the report by using the Columns to Display filter.
  • Plan Document Listing: This report shows a list of the plan documents in PensionPro: The report includes plan ID, plan name, plan status, title, file type, description, effective date, show on PSL, archived date, date added, and posted by.
    • The Effective Date Filter refers to the Effective Date of the Plan.
    • Users can select which File Types to display based on their File Type filter selections.
    • Users can select which columns to display in the report by using the Columns to Display filter.
  • Plan Documents Not Accessed: This report shows a list of the plan documents that have not been accessed on PlanSponsorLink: The report includes plan ID, plan name, the employee assigned to employee role, document name, accessed date, effective date, date added, and days posted.
    • Users can choose to include Accessed Files, Files Not Accessed or both by using the Accessed Status filter.
    • Effective Date refers to the Effective Date of the File. 
  • Plan Fiduciary Document Listing: This report shows a list of plan fiduciary documents In PensionPro: The report includes plan ID, plan name, plan status, title, file type, description, effective date, file period end date, file period end, show on PSL, archived date, and date added.
    • The Effective Date Filter refers to the Plan Effective Date.
    • Users can select which File Types to display based on their File Type filter selections.
    • Users can select which columns to display in the report by using the Columns to Display filter.
  • Project Documents Not Accessed: This reports shows a list of the project documents that have not been accessed on PSL: The report includes plan ID, plan name, the employee assigned to employee role, project name, document name, accessed date, date added, and days posted.
    • Users can choose to include Accessed Files, Files Not Accessed or both by using the Accessed Status filter.



Mailing and Labels


  • All Contacts - 20 Labels Per Page - 1" x 4": this creates sheets of 1" x 4" mailing labels for all Contacts. It includes Contact Name, Company Name, and Address.
  • All Contacts - 30 Labels Per Page - 1" x 2 5/8": this creates sheets of 1" x 2 5/8" mailing labels for all Contacts. It includes Contact Name, Company Name, and Address.
  • Contact Mailing Data: this creates a list of Contacts and their mailing data. It includes Company Name, Salutation, Prefix, First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, Suffix, Title, Designation, Address Type, Street Address 1, Street Address 2, City, State, and Zip Code.
  • Plan Contact Mailing Data: this creates a list of contact and their mailing data that are associated with Plans. It includes Plan ID, Plan Name, PYE, Company Name, Contact Role, Prefix, First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, Suffix, Title, Designation, Salutation, Address Type, Street Address 1, Street Address 2, City, State, and Zip Code.
  • Plan Contacts - 20 Labels Per Page - 1" x 4": this creates sheets of 1" x 4" mailing labels for all Contacts associated with a Plan. It includes Contact Name, Company Name, and Address.
  • Plan Contacts - 30 Labels Per Page - 1" x 2 5/8": this creates sheets of 1" x 2 5/8" mailing labels for all Contacts associated with a Plan. It includes Contact Name, Company Name, and Address.
  • Plan Contacts Criteria - 20 Labels Per Page - 1" x 4": this creates sheets of 1" x 4" mailing labels for all Contacts associated with a Plan (additional filters). It includes Contact Name, Company Name, and Address.
  • Plan Contacts Criteria - 30 Labels Per Page - 1" x 2 5/8": this creates sheets of 1" x 2 5/8" mailing labels for all Contacts associated with a Plan (additional filters). It includes Contact Name, Company Name, and Address.
  • Plan Employee Contact Mail Merge Export: this creates an export of Plan Contacts and their mailing data that can be used in a mail merge within Microsoft Word. It includes Client Name, Plan Name, Contact Prefix, Contact Salutation, Contact First Name, Contact Last Name, Contact Suffix, Contact Street Address 1, Contact Street Address 2, Contact City, Contact State, Contact Zip Code, Contact Extension, Contact Email Address, Employee Prefix, Employee Salutation, Employee First Name, Employee Last Name, Employee Suffix, Employee Street Address 1, Employee Street Address 2, Employee City, Employee State, Employee Zip Code, Employee extension, and Employee Email Address.





  • Plans: Shows a list of plans and all fields on the General menu at the plan level: Includes plan ID, plan name, plan end, client servicing level, plan status, terminated on, termination reason, deactivated for all activity, on hold, on hold reason, plan type, combo plan, MEP master, linked MEP, IRS plan ID, valuation frequency, form 5500 type, plan audited, admin type, trust id, QDIA, QDIA fund name, IRA rollover provider, filing cycle, owner(s) only plan, search text, local directory, software plan id, category, group, added on, service effective on, PSL enabled, internal plan, distributions enabled, 1099 payor, integration, marked for deletion, actuarial firm, assets frozen, PBGC, participant statement delivery, payroll contributions to calculate, payroll frequency, remittance type, trading platform, claim processing location, external client ID, in house claim processing, and Medicare reporting.
    • Users can choose to display which columns they want to display by using the List of Columns to Display filter.
    • The Effective Start Date and Effective End Date filters will exclude any Plans that have a Service Effective Date outside of the range entered. The Service Effective Date can be found on the General Plan Information screen of a plan.
  • Plans by Contact Role/Name: Shows a list of plans that are associated with a specific contact plan role or contact: Can also be used to show multiple contact plan roles or contacts. Includes a contact name, contact plan role, client ID, company name, plan ID, and plan name.
    • The Effective Date Before filter will exclude any Plans that have a Service Effective Date after the date entered within the filter. The Service Effective Date can be found on the General Plan Information screen of a plan.
  • Plans By Employee Role: Shows a list of plans that are assigned to a specific employee plan role and employee. Can also be used to show multiple roles assigned to multiple employees: Includes employee role, employee name, plan ID, legal plan name, plan end, client servicing level, plan status, terminated on, termination reason, deactivated for all activity, on hold, on-hold reason, plan type, combo plan, MEP master, linked MEP, IRS plan ID, valuation frequency, form 5500 type, plan audited, administration type, trust ID, QDIA, QDIA fund name, IRA rollover provider, filing cycle, owner(s) only plan, search text, local directory, software plan ID, category, group, added on, service effective on, PSL enabled, internal plan, distributions enabled, 1099 payor, integration, marked for deletion, actuarial firm, assets frozen, PBGC, participant statement delivery, payroll contributions to calculate, payroll frequency, remittance type, trading platform, claim processing location, external client ID, in house claim processing, Medicare reporting.
    • Users can choose to display which columns they want to display by using the List of Columns to Display filter
    • The Effective Date Before filter will exclude any Plans that have a Service Effective Date after the date entered in this filter. The Service Effective Date can be found on the General Plan Information screen of a plan.
  • Plans Missing Contact Roles: Shows a list of plans that are missing specific contact roles: Includes plan ID, plan name, plan end, plan type, plan status, and employee name.
    • The Effective Date Before filter will exclude any Plans that have a Service Effective Date after the date entered in this filter. The Service Effective Date can be found on the General Plan Information screen of a plan.
  • Plans Missing Document Specs: Shows a list of plans that are missing document specifications: Includes plan ID, plan name, plan end, plan type, plan status, and employee name. This report is not included in the Track tier.
    • The Effective Date filter refers to the Effective Date of the Document Specification Version launched for a Plan. This date appears in the Document Specification Versions grid for the plan.
  • Plans Missing Documents: Shows a list of plans that are missing specific documents:Includes plan ID, plan name, plan end, plan type, plan status, and employee name. This report is not included in the Track tier.
    • The Effective On\After filter will exclude any files uploaded with an Effective Date before the date entered in the filter.
    • If a file does not have an Effective Date entered, it cannot be reported on in this particular report.
  • Plans Missing Employee Roles: Shows a list of plans that are missing a particular employee plan role:Includes plan ID, plan name, plan end, plan type, and plan status.
    • The Effective Date filter will exclude any Plans that have a Service Effective Date after the date entered in the filter. The Service Effective Date can be found on the General Plan Information screen of a plan.
  • Plans Missing Fee Schedules: Shows a list of plans that are missing fee schedules: Includes plan ID, plan name, plan end, plan type, combo plan, plan status, and employee name. This report is not included in the Track tier.
    • The Effective Date filter will exclude any Plans that have a Service Effective Date after the date entered in the filter. The Service Effective Date can be found on the General Plan Information screen of a plan.
  • Plans Missing Forms: Shows a list of plans missing a particular administration form: Includes plan ID, plan name, plan end, plan type, plan status, and employee name. This report is not included in the Track tier.
    • The Effective Date Before filter will exclude any files uploaded with an Effective Date after the date entered in the filter.
    • If a file does not have an Effective Date entered, it cannot be reported on in this particular report.
  • Plans Missing Integration Link: Displays a list of plans that are missing the integration link with Includes plan ID, plan name, plan end, plan type, plan status, employee name. This report is not included in the Track tier.
  • Plans Missing Investment Providers: Shows a list of plans that are missing investment providers on the Plan > Investment Providers menu: Includes plan ID, plan name, plan end, plan type, plan status, and employee name.
    • The Effective Date filter will exclude any Plans that have a Service Effective Date after the date entered in the filter. The Service Effective Date can be found on the General Plan Information screen of a plan.
  • Plans Missing Project Types: Shows a list of plans that are missing a specific project type: Includes plan ID, plan name, plan end, plan type, plan status, and employee name. This report is not included in the Track or Team tiers.
    • The Effective Date Before filter will exclude any Plans that have a Service Effective Date after the date entered in the filter. The Service Effective Date can be found on the General Plan Information screen of a plan.
    • Users can select a Period End Date for missing projects by utilizing the Period End Date Filter.
      • Users can click the NULL checkbox if their project does not have a period end date. This would apply for projects with a Nonrecurring frequency.
  • Plans Missing Projects: Shows a list of plans that are missing specific projects allowing users to see if any projects have yet to be launched for plans: Includes plan ID, plan name, plan end, plan type, plan status, administration type, plan category, plan group, filing cycle name, and employee name. This report is not included in the Track or Team tiers.
    • The Plan Effective Date Start filter will exclude any Plans that have a Service Effective Date before the date entered in the filter. The Service Effective Date can be found on the General Plan Information screen of a plan.
    • Users can select a Period End Date for missing projects by utilizing the Period End Date Filter.
      • Users can click the NULL checkbox if their project does not have a period end date. This would apply for projects with a Nonrecurring frequency.
    • Users can select which columns they want to display in the report by using the Columns to Display filter.
    • Plan names highlighted in orange are plans that are currently set to Yes for the On-Hold field in the General Plan Information grid. This is to help identify plans that should be reviewed before any new projects are launched against them.
  • Plan Contact Roles by Plan: Shows a list of plans by plan contact roles: Includes Location, Plan Type, Plan Status, Plan Category, Plan End, Plan Group, Valuation Frequency, Contact Roles
  • Plan Cycle List: Shows a list of Plans Cycles by Plan Name and period: Includes plan ID, plan name, Period Start, Period End, General Plan Cycle Information, Participant Counts, Filing Information, Test Results, Actuarial Information, and Financial Information for the Plan Cycle.
    • Users can select to include Plan Cycles that have Safe Harbor checked or not by using the Is Safe Harbor filter. This field can be found on the General menu of the Plan Cycle.
    • A Comment Field will appear for Track and Team tier users. This field pulls from the Comment field on the Milestones menu of the Plan Cycle.
  • Plan Investments Missing Data: Shows a list plans with linked investment providers that are missing investment data field values: Includes plan name, investment provider, investment direction, contract/account #, contract start date, contract terminated date, investment model, data collection source, and 1099 responsibility.
    • Users can choose to include Investment Providers where there is a date entered in the Terminated On field by using the Include Terminated filter.
  • Plan Investment Details: Shows a list of plan investment information: Includes plan ID, plan name, investment provider, investment direction, contract/account #, contract start date, terminated date, investment model, data collection source, 1099 responsibility, plan end, plan status, plan type, transfer status, distribution processor, revenue sharing type, fee disclosure type, basis point reimbursement, vesting submission, primary, and archived.
    • Users can select which columns to display in the report by toggling data items in the Columns to Display filter.
  • Plan Services Provided: Shows a list of services provided for a plan: Includes plan name, service provided name, and a description of the service(s) provided for the plan.
  • Plan Services Provided All Fields: Shows a list of services provided for multiple plans: Includes plan ID, plan name, service name, and a description of services provided for the plan(s).
    • The Effective Start Date and Effective End Date filters will exclude any Plans that have a Service Effective Date outside of the range entered. The Service Effective Date can be found on the PlanGeneral menu of a plan.
  • Plan Services Provided Grid: Displays a crosstab/pivot table of plans against services provided. This report shows when a service was added to a plan in the cross-section. Includes plan ID, plan name, services provided for the plan, date when service was added to the plan.
    • The Effective Start Date and Effective End Date filters will exclude any Plans that have a Service Effective Date outside of the range entered. The Service Effective Date can be found on the General Plan Information screen of a plan.
    • Users can select which Services are displayed by using the Services Provided filter.
    • Users can select to show results for All Plans or Only Plans with Services Provided by using the Plan Results filter.
  • Plan Notes: Displays a list of notes for plans between a certain date. Includes plan name, note text, note category, date added and note created by.
    • The Note Start Date and Note End Date filters will exclude any Notes that have a Note with an Added On Date outside of the range entered.





  • Dashboard Tasks: Shows a list of dashboard tasks assigned to employees: Includes plan end, plan name, project, project due, task due, active plan ID, project type, location.
  • Dashboard Tasks by Plan Role: Shows a list of dashboard tasks assigned to employees by Employee Plan Role: Include employee name, task assigned to, task, active, task due date, project, period end, project type, project due, plan id, plan name, plan end, plan name, plan type, location.
  • Detail Report: Displays the details of a project including task item values: Includes project name, project template, task completion, project completion, task item values, project fields (if applicable).
  • Multiple Project Status: Crosstab report that shows the status of multiple projects' completion by project name: Includes plan id, legal plan name - plan end, period end, plan type, employee plan role, project name, completed date, due date, past due status, project missing status.
  • Project Field Values: Crosstab report that shows the Project Field values for multiple Projects: Includes location, plan ID, legal plan name - plan end, period end, plan type, plan status, plan group, project name, project manager, project field name, project field value. Project Fields will appear in alphabetical order.
  • Project Notes: Shows a list of all Project Notes by Project name: Includes plan name, project name, note text, date added, created by.
  • Project Summary Report: Shows a list of Projects displaying high-level information defining the Projects included: Includes plan ID, plan name, project name, project manager, project type, project frequency, project priority, period start, period end, project start, requires web, is extension, is extended.
  • Project Task Elapsed Time: Allows the user to select two Project Tasks and displays the number of days elapsed between the Tasks for multiple Projects: Includes plan ID, legal plan name - plan end, plan type, project name, project type, project manager, task selection 1, task selection 2, # of days.
  • Projects Missing Census Data: Shows a list of projects that are missing census data for a specific period. Can be used to select multiple projects:Includes plan ID, plan name, project name, plan type, and employee name.
  • Status by Task: Crosstab report that displays the status of various selected Tasks for multiple Plans: Includes plan ID, legal plan name - plan end, period end, plan type, project name, project type, project manager, employee plan role, employee name, due date, task group name, task name, task completed date, returned status, total projects, percent complete.
    • Users can select Yes on the Show Task Assignment filter to display who the task is assigned to, the Worktray the task is assigned to and the date the task was active.
    • A date will appear in the Task column if the task was completed.
  • Status by Task Completed: Crosstab report that displays the status of various selected Tasks for multiple Plans where the user can determine the completion status of two tasks: Includes plan ID, legal plan name - plan end, period end, plan type, project name, project type, project manager, employee plan role, employee name, due date, task group name, task name, task completed date, returned status, total projects, percent complete.
  • Status by Task by Employee: Crosstab report that displays the status of various selected Tasks for multiple Plans by a particular Employee: Includes plan ID, legal plan name - plan end, period end, plan type, project name, project type, project manager, employee plan role, employee name, due date, task group name, task name, task completed date, returned status, total projects.
  • Status by Task Group by Employee: Crosstab report that displays the status of various selected Task Groupings for multiple Plans by a particular Employee: Includes plan ID, legal plan name - plan end, period end, plan type, project name, project type, project manager, employee plan role, employee name, due date, task group name, task grouping completed date, total projects.
  • Status by Task Grouping: Crosstab report that displays the status of various selected Task Groupings for multiple Plans: Includes plan ID, legal plan name - plan end, period end, plan type, project name, project type, project manager, employee plan role, employee name, due date, task group name, task grouping completed date, total projects.
  • Status by Task Grouping Completed: Crosstab report that displays the status of various selected Task Groupings for multiple Plans where the user can determine the completion status of two Task Groups: Includes plan ID, legal plan name - plan end, period end, plan type, project name, project type, project manager, employee plan role, employee name, due date, task group name, task group name, task group completed date, total projects.
  • Task Assignments Report: Crosstab report that displays a list of projects, showing the employees assigned to various tasks: Includes plan id, legal plan name - plan end, period end, plan type, project name, project type, project manager, task group name, task name, employee assigned name, total number of assignments.
  • Task Group Summary: Shows the completed count and percent overall completed of Task Groups for a particular Project Name: Includes task group order, task group name, # complete, % complete, project count.
  • Task Summary: Shows the count of Tasks completed for a particular Project Name: Includes task order, task name, # complete, project count.
  • Tasks Completed by Employee: Crosstab report that displays the count of tasks completed by an employee: Includes month - year, task name, number of tasks completed, employee name, tasks completed monthly overall.
  • Template Report: Report that displays the details of a particular Project template: Includes all details of a project template.
  • Worktray Tasks: Displays all Tasks found currently in a Worktray or selection of Worktrays: Includes worktray name(s), task assigned to name, task, active, task due, project, period end, project type, project due, plan id, plan name, plan type location.





  • Business Contact Profile: This report profiles contacts flagged as an investment advisor on the Contact - Sales Tab and reports the open proposal and plans they have with your firm. You can select a Contact Category, Contact Name, and period.
  • Influencer: This report displays a count of plans and/or proposals a contact is linked to for a list of contacts so users can determine contacts that influence a large number of plans and proposals. Includes contact name, profession, company name, email address, address, address type, number, number type, number of plans, total plan assets, last date plan added, number of active proposals, number of proposals last 12 months, total active proposed assets, last date proposal added, and last interaction.
    • A row will be created for each Address and Number record linked to the contact.
      • Users can utilize the Address Types and Number Types filters to reduce rows for contacts.
    • Users can choose to display certain fields by utilizing the Columns to Display Filter.
    • Plan Status of Plans linked to contacts can be narrowed by utilizing the Plan Status filter.
    • Total Active Proposed Assets is a total of all proposal revenue fields.
  • Map Export Data: This report displays a list of company addresses and numbers. Users can select to include this information for company records linked to Clients, Contacts, Prospects, and Proposals: Includes company, address 1, address 2, city, state, zip code, category, contact name, number, email.
    • Users can select to include address and number information for company records linked to Clients, Contacts, Prospects, and Proposals by using the Category filter.
  • Opportunity List:  This report lists all Opportunities entered into SalesPitch. Includes opportunity name, company, proposed service effective on, start date, sales referral source, closed on, and location.
    • Users can easily filter by the Location and Status of the Opportunity.
  • Proposal Status: This report provides information on open proposals. Includes assigned to, referral source, proposal name, investment provider, non recurring asset based revenue, non recurring fee revenue, recurring asset based revenue, recurring fee revenue, closed on, elapsed days, reason won/lost.
    • Users can filter on Location, Sales Contact Role, Proposal Status, Referral Source, and Assigned To.
    • The Elapsed Days column calculates the total number of days between the date the proposal was created and either closed on or the current date if the proposal has not been closed.
  • Proposal Status Scoreboard: Displays a copy of the Proposal Status Scoreboard. Includes opportunity, proposal, plan type, investment provider, main contact, assets, proposal date, date of last interaction, probability of closing, status, assigned to, annual flow, participant count, referred by, sales territory.
    • Users can select to display Proposals assigned to certain employees by using the Assigned to Filter.
    • Proposals that have a Closed On date will not appear in this report.
  • Proposal Status Graph: This report provides a graphic on the total number of Proposals Won and Lost by Month with a Sum and Grand Total. You can filter on Location, Proposal Reason Won/Lost, Assigned To, and Date Range.
  • Proposal Won\Lost Reason: This report provides a graphic on the Proposal Lost by Reason\Month with a Sum and Grand Total. A second page displays the list of closed Proposals with a reason won/lost. Fields include: proposal name, proposal won-lost reason, proposal status, closed on, assigned to and total recurring revenue.
    • Users can filter on Location, Proposal Reason Won/Lost, Assigned To, and Date Range.
    • The Proposal Revenue Column totals all revenue field values on the Proposal > Home > General Information grid.
  • Prospect List:  This report lists all Prospects entered into SalesPitch.  You can easily filter by the Location and Status of the Prospect.
  • Revenue Pipeline Report: This report provides details on our open proposals including their status and potential revenue. It is pulling from all three levels of SalesPitch and allows you to select Opportunities based on the Opportunity Status and select for any and all employees with access to SalesPitch with the Assigned To a Proposal is available.  It displays the Prospect Name, Opportunities, Opportunity Status, Service Effective on, Proposal Name, Potential Revenue, Probability %, and Probable Revenue.





  • To-Do List: Shows a list of all To-Do's: Includes assigned to, to-do name, description, to-do link, priority, status, percent complete, due on, and completed on.
    • The Report will display To-Dos that were created after the date entered in the Created After Date filter.
    • The Report will display To-Dos completed after the date entered in the Completed After Date field.
    • Users can further filter results by using the To-Do Status and Link Type filters



Web Status Reports


  • Client Data Collection Summary: This report shows a summary of a specific plan's data collection project for a specific period: The report includes all steps and answers in the data collection task grouping.
  • Contact Terms of Service: This report shows PlanSponsorLink users who have accepted the Terms of Service: The report includes the Contact Name, the Company Name, Accepted On, and Effective On.
  • Data Collection Call List: This report shows a list of contacts associated with plans that have not completed data collection yet and their phone number: The report includes project manager name assigned to, plan name, project name, status, period end, contact name, contact phone number, and contact extension.
  • Data Collection Status Summary: This report shows the status of current data collection projects and percentage of each step completed: Includes step number, task name, tasks complete, and percentage complete.
  • General Web Collection Summary: This report shows a summary of a specific plan's general web collection project for a specific period: Includes all steps and answers in the general web collection task grouping.



Management Reports


Security Right Required:  Management Reports


Time Reports

  • Time Review by Plan: Shows a list of Time entries by plan. The report also includes plan ID, plan name, employee, project, task name, date, period end, time code, description, bill, hours, billing, employee cost, amount billing, and employee cost amount.
  • Time Review by Date Range: Shows a list of Time entries by date range. Report also includes employee, plan ID, plan name, project, task name, date, time code, description, bill, hours, billing rate, employee cost, billing amount, and employee cost amount.
  • Time Review by Project: Shows a list of Time entries by project. Report also includes plan ID, plan name, project, employee, period end, task name, date, time code, description, bill, hours, billing rate, employee cost, billing amount, and employee cost amount.
  • Time Entry Summary: Shows a summary of Time per day for date range chosen. Includes employee name and a summary for each day chosen.
  • Employee Time Export by Date Range: Creates an export of a list of Time entries by date range. Report also includes employee ID, employee name, date, hours worked, time code, timeslip, billing code, description, plan ID, plan name, client ID, and client name.


Maintenance Reports

  • List Values: Shows a list of list values: Includes list type, item name, description, template, and active.
  • Security Rights: Shows a list of security rights: Includes security right and employee name.
  • Time Codes: Shows a list of time codes: Includes code, description, billable, and active.
  • Team Listing: Shows a list of employees in teams: Includes team name, member name, team role, and status.
  • Data Conversion Summary: Shows a list of imported clients, plans, contacts, and/or employees: Includes status, name, and count.
  • Plan Termination to Deactivation Report: Displays a list of Plans in the system that have a Terminated Plan Status entered, but have not been deactivated for all activity. Includes system client id, system plan id, TPA plan ID, plan name, plan type, plan year end month, plan year end day, date plan added, effective date of services, plan status, termination reason, termination date, deactivated on, assets frozen, open project name.
    • An additional row will appear for plans for every open project launched against the plan.


Charts and Graphs Reports

  • Plan Count Running Totals: Shows a chart of the number of plans added per month and totals.


Data Exports Reports

  • Client Address Data Export:  Creates an export of all client address data:  Includes client ID, client name, address type, address line 1, address line 2, city, state, zip code, and country.
  • Client Data Export: Creates an export of all client data: Includes location name, client ID, client name, client category, client URL, and client status.
  • Client Number Data Export: Creates an export of all client number data: Includes client ID, client name, number type, and number.
  • Contact Data Export:  Creates an export of all contact data: Includes prefix, first name, middle initial, last name, suffix, designations, title, salutation, company name, accountant, investment advisor, attorney, auditor, referral source, trustee, email address, receive bulk email, ok to email, ok to call, and contact preference.
  • Contact Address Data Export: Creates an export of contact address data: Includes first name, middle initial, last name, company name, address type, address line 1, address line 2, city, state, zip code, and country.
  • Contact Number Data Export: Creates an export of contact number data: Includes first name, middle initial, last name, company name, number type, number, and extension.
  • Contact Plan Role Data ExportCreates an export of plan contact role data: Includes plan id, plan name, plan role, first name, middle initial, last name, CC, show on PSL, show on PSL help screen.
  • Employee Plan Role Data Export:  Creates an export of employee plan roles: Includes system contact ID, system plan ID, plan ID, plan name, plan role, first name, middle initial, last name.
  • Employer Data Export: Creates an export of employer data:  Includes client ID, client name, employer identification number, client fiscal year end month, client fiscal year end day, client fiscal year, entity type, NAIC business code, and payroll provider.
  • Fee Schedule Data Export: Creates an export of fee schedule data: Includes plan ID, plan name, start date, end date, schedule status, description, template name, fee item type, fee amount, fee amount type, fee frequency, fee payor, fee payment source, and fee schedule item category. This report is not included in the Track tier.
  • Investment Provider Data Export: Creates an export of investment provider data: Includes plan ID, plan name, investment provider name, investment direction, contract or account, contract start date, terminated or end date, investment model, data collection source, and 1099 responsibility.
  • Notes Data Export: Creates an export of Notes found in PensionPro: Includes system client ID, system plan ID, system contact ID, system project ID, system task ID, system prospect ID, system opportunity ID, system proposal ID, note text, note category, important, display on PSL, archived, created by, created on.
    • An ID will appear under the data level the note is linked to.
      • For example, plan notes will have an ID appear under the System Plan ID column.
  • Plan Data Export: Creates an export of all plan data: Includes client ID, plan ID, plan category, plan group, software plan ID, plan name, plan type, administration type, trust ID number, IRS plan number, plan year end month, plan year end day, date plan added, effective date of services, plan status, is plan audited, QDIA, QDIA fund name, on hold, web access, combo plan, PBGC, filing cycle, owner(s) only plan, and valuation frequency.
  • Plan Census Data Export: Creates an export of plan census data: Includes plan ID, first name, last name, SSN, gender, date of birth, date of hire, date of termination, date of rehire, plan year end, job classification, company division, address line 1, address line 2, city, state, zip, active military, union employee, hours worked, W2 compensation, pre-tax deferral, Roth deferral, pre-tax 125, employer match, employer contribution, new employee compensation, other contributions, excluded compensation, auto allowance, bonus compensation, commissions, loan repayments, overtime compensation, severance compensation, and plan name. This report is not included in the Track tier.


Metrics Reports

  • Business Influencers List: This report displays a count of plans a contact is linked to for a list of contacts so users can determine contacts that influence a large number of plans: Includes contact name, profession, company name, email address, address, address type, number, number type, number of plans, total plan assets, last date plan added, last interaction.
    • A row will be created for each Address and Number record linked to the contact.
      • Users can utilize the Address Types and Number Types filters to reduce rows for contacts.
    • Users can choose to display certain fields by utilizing the Columns to Display Filter.
    • Plan Status of Plans linked to contacts can be narrowed by utilizing the Plan Status filter.
  • Plan/Count Status: Shows a list of plan counts and their status: Includes plan type, period beginning, plans terminating, service terminating, plans added, plans terminated, and totals.
  • Plan Counts by Plan Type: Shows a chart of plan counts by plan type: Includes plan type, and counts per month, as well as cumulative data.
  • Monthly Plan Count Invoice Report: Shows a plan count for a specified date range: Includes status, plan name, and count.
  • Plan Cycle Details by Employee Role: Displays Plan Cycles' counts for selected Plan Years by a selected Plan Role: Includes employee name, plan count, plan assets, participant counts, plan count by plan type, and participant count by plan type.



Frequently Asked Questions


  • Is there a report that can show which employee launched a project?
    There is not currently a project report that displays who launched a project.

  • Why are the Task Item values not appearing for the Projects I am reporting on?
    The only way to view answers to Task Items in a report or within Fetch is if the Task Item is tagged as a Project Field. Fetch will not display values if the Task Item is not set up as a Project Field. For more information on Project Fields, please review Using Project Fields.
  • Is there a report that displays the employee that overrode a project task?
    There is not currently a project report that displays who overrode a project task.

  • I've created custom reports in Fetch. Is there any way that this report can be run through Pension Pro? Instead of having users log into Fetch, could we have Fetch reports added to PensionPro?
    A Fetch Query cannot be added to the Reports menu in PensionPro. However, please refer to our article PensionPro Fetch to see how users can save Fetch queries publicly so other Fetch users can run the same query.