PensionPro can store a lot of data, and there are many different ways in which that data can be used. From identifying missing information to tracking processes to analyzing trends, PensionPro includes a large variety of built-in reporting options that can accomplish these goals and much more.
Tier Availability: Track, Team, Business
Article Contents
Working With Reports
PensionPro's built-in reports can be found by opening the Reporting menu, located in the Navigation Panel on the left. Reports in this menu are separated by category, which correspond to the categories outlined later in this article.
Each report will contain a header, which will provide a selection of options and filters based on the report in question. Select View Report to generate the report based on the chosen criteria.
Standard Reports
The reports in the following categories can be utilized by all PensionPro users. Reports that focus on Client and Plan information will restrict users to the data they have permission to access based on their assigned Location Rights.
Clients and Companies
Reports in this category relate to Client companies and address/phone number management.
Client Plan Types |
Lists Client companies with their respective Plans separated into columns based on Plan Type. Useful for viewing all Clients owning a specific Plan Type or identifying Clients with multiple Plan Types. |
Clients |
Provides a simple list of Clients with general information, such as Entity Type, EIN, and Period End.
Clients Missing Addresses or Numbers |
Generates two lists to identify Clients that do not have any addresses or phone numbers linked to their record. |
Clients Missing Employer Data |
Generates three lists to identify Clients meeting one of the following criteria for a Period End date:
Clients with Linked Plans |
Lists Clients and their corresponding Plans. Clients with multiple Plans are listed multiple times. Items can be filtered by Client or Plan Status. |
Clients with Linked Plans by Employee Role |
Similar to the above, with additional columns/filters for Employee Plan Role. Useful for identifying Clients/Plan associated with a particular Employee or listing a Role assignment alongside each Plan. |
Company Addresses |
Lists Company records and any linked address data. Companies with multiple addresses are listed multiple times; Companies with no address data are ignored. Filters are available for Address Type, City, State, and Zip. |
Company Numbers |
Lists Company records and any linked phone number data. Companies with multiple numbers are listed multiple times; Companies with no number data are ignored. Filters are available for Number Type. |
This category contains a collection of reports related to a variety of PensionPro features, such as Interactions and Secure File Exchange.
Communication Lists |
Displays one or more Communication Lists along with the members of each. Email addresses are shown by default; mailing addresses can optionally be included. Used to easily reference contact details. |
Interaction Details |
Lists the information of a single Interaction, including Title, Participants, and Date. |
Interaction List |
Generates a list of Interactions over a given period. This provides a high-level overview; dates and participants are included, but Interaction details are not.
Plan Contact Latest Interaction List |
Generates a list of Plans based on Employee Plan Role, the Plan Contact Roles for those Plans, and details of the last Interaction recorded for those Contacts. |
Secure File Exchange Status |
Lists the details of all existing Secure File Exchanges sent between a given set of dates. Filters can be applied based on participants and whether the file was accessed. Does not include expired SFEs. |
This category provides general Contact information and details about Plan Contact Roles.
Contact Investment Listing |
Displays Plan Name and Investment Provider along with Plan Contact Roles. Useful for matching Plan Contacts to corresponding Investment Provider(s). Filters are available for Plan data, Investment Provider name, and Contact Role. |
Contact Web Registration Status |
Lists all PensionPro Contacts and their registration status on PlanSponsorLink. Used to identify Contacts who have not yet performed the first-time user process to establish their account. |
Contact Web Rights by Plan |
Generates a list of Plans and Plan Contacts based on Employee Role. Website Rights are split out into columns to visually indicate where Rights are missing. |
Contacts |
Provides a simple list of Contacts with general information, such as Company, Status, and Contact Preferences. This report includes all Contacts, not necessarily those linked to Plans. |
Contacts Linked to Plans |
Returns phone numbers and email addresses for Plan Contacts, filtered by Employee Plan Role. |
Contacts Missing Addresses or Numbers |
Generates two lists to identify Contacts that do not have any addresses or phone numbers linked to their record. |
Contacts Missing Data |
Generates a list of Contacts to identify those that are missing a Salutation, Email Address, and/or Contact Preference.
Contacts Missing Web Rights |
Returns a list of Plan Contacts that do not have any Website Rights assigned to them. This is generally used to identify instances where the act of assigning Website Rights was inadvertently skipped. |
Plan Contacts Missing Addresses or Numbers |
Generates two lists to identify Contacts that do not have any addresses or phone numbers linked to their record. |
Plan Contacts Missing Data | Identifies Plan Contacts who are missing a Salutation, Email Address, and/or Contact Preference. |
Tier Availability: Business
Reports in this category relate exclusively to Distribution Projects.
1099 Data Export |
Generates an export sheet containing data from the Information and 1099 views of all Distributions in any given year. Options are available to format this report for import into the Datair,, or Relius systems.
Distribution Detail Report |
Displays details from a Distribution's Information view, as well as the Tasks and Task Item responses from its Workflow. Similar to the Project Detail Report.
Distribution Fees |
Returns Distributions with Plan and Investment Provider information, as well as the Fee charged, the Payor responsible for the Fee, and the date the Fee was received. |
Distribution Status by Task |
Generates a list of Distributions with columns for each Task, similar to the Status by Task report. Dates indicate when each Task was completed. This report works best when using a single Project Name to quickly review or compare the progress of a Project across multiple Plans. |
Distribution Status by Task Grouping |
Functions similarly to the Distribution Status by Task report, but uses Task Groupings instead of Tasks. |
Document Specifications
Tier Availability: Team, Business
This category contains reports that utilize PensionPro's Plan Document Specifications feature.
Document Spec Template Types |
Displays all Document Specification Templates with Created On and Updated On information, grouped by Document Provider. |
Document Specs List by Provider |
Lists Document Name along with Plan, Document Provider, and Effective Date. Useful for identifying Plans sharing a Provider or using a particular Template. |
Document Specs Template Details |
Displays the Names, Tags, and Data Types used for each Line item on a single Document Specification Template. Can be helpful in reviewing Templates for accuracy and completeness. |
Multiple Plan Document Spec Details |
Generates a list of Plans, the Type and Effective Date of Documents under those Plans, and the values of the Tags in those Documents. This is useful to compare Tags side-by-side across Plans, even when the Document Type is not exactly the same. Additional filtering can be applied based on Plan information, Document information, and Employee Plan Roles. |
Single Plan Document Spec Details |
Lays out one version of one document from a single Plan. The format is similar to the Document Specs Template Details report, providing an easy-to-read list of the Plan's specifications. |
Fee Schedules
Tier Availability: Team, Business
This category contains reports that utilize PensionPro's Fee Schedules feature.
Fee Schedule Template Report |
Displays a single Fee Schedule Template with details for each of the Fee Types included. |
Multiple Plan Fee Schedule Detail |
Lists all Fee Items across all Plans. Filters are available for Fee Schedule Status and Fee details. |
Plan Fee Schedule Detail |
Displays one version of one Fee Schedule from a single Plan. The format is similar to the Fee Schedule Template Report |
Plan Fee Schedule Listing |
Returns all Fee Schedules added to all Plans. This report does not include individual Fee items. Filters are available for Fee Schedule Status and Plan details. |
Tier Availability: Team, Business
Reports in this category can be useful in managing Plan & Project Files.
Plan Admin Forms Listing |
Displays details on Files uploaded to the Plan tab > Administrative Forms view. Includes archived Files. Filters are available for Plan details, File Type, and Employee Plan Role. |
Plan Document Listing |
Displays details on Files uploaded to the Plan tab > Legal Plan Files view. Includes archived Files. Filters are available for Plan details, File Type, and Employee Plan Role. |
Plan Documents Not Accessed |
Returns Files uploaded to the Plan tab > Legal Plan Files view across all Plans, including the number of days since being posted. Although intended to identify Files that a Plan Sponsor has not yet viewed, it is also possible to show Files that have been accessed, if desired. |
Plan Fiduciary Document Listing |
Displays details on Files uploaded to the Plan tab > Fiduciary Files view. Includes archived Files. Filters are available for Plan details, File Type, and Employee Plan Role. |
Project Documents Not Accessed |
Returns Files uploaded to the Project tab > Files view across all Plans, including the number of days since being posted. Although intended to identify Files that a Plan Sponsor has not yet viewed, it is also possible to show Files that have been accessed, if desired. |
Mailing & Labels
This category contains a selection of tools and other reports to help simplify the process of sending physical mail to Contacts.
All Contacts - 20 Labels Per Page - 1" x 4" |
Generates a printable list of Contacts in two columns with Company name and address to be affixed to envelopes. Filters are available for Mailing Type, State, and Zip. |
All Contacts - 30 Labels Per Page - 1" x 2 ⅝" |
Generates a printable list of Contacts in three columns with Company name and address to be affixed to envelopes. Filters are available for Mailing Type, State, and Zip. |
Contact Mailing Data |
Returns a list of all Contacts and corresponding address data. Only addresses chosen as primary are provided. |
Plan Contact Mailing Data |
Similar to the Contact Mailing Data report, but only applicable to Plan Contacts. Plan Name, Plan End, and Contact Role are included on this report. Filters are available for Plan information, Employee Plan Roles, Plan Contact Roles, and Address Type. |
Plan Contacts - 20 Labels Per Page - 1" x 4" |
Similar to the All Contacts version of this report, but only includes Contacts linked to Plans. Additional filters are available for Plan details and Plan Contact Role. |
Plan Contacts - 30 Labels Per Page - 1" x 2 ⅝" |
Similar to the All Contacts version of this report, but only includes Contacts linked to Plans. Additional filters are available for Plan details and Plan Contact Role. |
Plan Contacts Criteria - 20 Per Page - 1" x 4" |
Similar to the Plan Contacts version of this report, but with added filtering for Investment Provider. |
Plan Contacts Criteria - 30 Per Page - 1" x 2 ⅝" |
Similar to the Plan Contacts version of this report, but with added filtering for Investment Provider. |
Plan Employee Contact Mail Merge Export |
Generates a data export including Client, Plan, and Plan Type, as well as names and addresses of any chosen Plan Contact Roles and Employee Plan Roles. This export is intended to be used with Microsoft Word's Mail Merge feature for creating letters and other mailings. |
Reports in this category relate to many aspects of Plan management, including a selection of reports that identify Plans missing certain items.
Deactivated Plan Data |
Shows deactivated Plan data that is ready to be exported. Refer to the Backing Up Plan Data section of the article Data Purging for more information. |
Plan Contact Roles By Plan |
Lists Plan names with each Plan Contact Role assignment in subsequent columns. Useful for viewing many Plan Contacts at once or identifying gaps in Contact Role assignments. |
Plan Cycle List |
Lists information found on the Plan Cycle tab for each Plan. Multiple Plan Cycles can be reviewed per Plan by selecting multiple Period End dates. |
Plan Investment Details |
Displays Plans along with relevant Investment information, including Provider, Direction, Model, and Account Number. Further details can be added via the Columns To Display dropdown. Filters are available for Plan and Investment details and Employee Plan Role. |
Plan Investments Missing Data |
Returns any Investment Provider entries for each Plan that are missing Investment Direction, Contract Start Date, Investment Model, Data Collection Source, and/or 1099 Responsibility information. |
Plan Notes |
Displays the contents of Notes for one or more Plans. Filters are available for Note Category, Date, and Employee who created the Note. |
Plan Services Provided |
Returns the Services Provided for a single Plan. |
Plan Services Provided All Plans |
Returns a list of Plans and the Services Provided for those Plans, with each line representing a single service. |
Plan Services Provided Grid |
Similar to the Plan Services Provided All Plans report, but with each Plan on a single line, and the Plan's services in individual columns. The dates in each column represent when the service was added to the Plan. Useful for comparing Plans or identifying service gaps. |
Plans |
Provides a simple list of Plans with general information, such as Plan End, Status, Type, and Admin Type. Further details can be added via the Columns To Display dropdown. |
Plans by Contact Role/Name |
Lists Plan Contacts, their Role, and the Client and Plan they are linked to. Each line represents one Plan Role assignment. Filters are available for Contact Role and Name. |
Plans By Employee Role |
Similar to the Plans report, with additional columns and filtering options for Employee Plan Roles. |
Plans Missing Contact Roles |
Returns a list of Plans that do not have a chosen Plan Contact Role assigned to any Contact. Additional filters are available for Plan details and Employee Plan Roles. |
Plans Missing Document Specs |
Returns a list of Plans that do not have any plan document versions added to the Specifications view. Additional filters are available for Plan details, Employee Plan Roles, and Plan Effective Date. |
Plans Missing Documents |
Returns a list of Plans that do not have a Legal Plan File, Administrative Form, or Fiduciary File matching a specific File Type. Additional filters are available for Plan details, Employee Plan Roles, and Plan Effective Date. |
Plans Missing Employee Roles |
Returns a list of Plans that do not have a chosen Employee Plan Role assigned to any Employee. Additional filters are available for Plan details. |
Plans Missing Fee Schedules |
Returns a list of Plans that do not have any Fee Schedules added to the corresponding view. Additional filters are available for Plan details and Employee Plan Roles. |
Plans Missing Forms | Returns a list of Plans that do not have an Administrative Form matching a specific File Type. Additional filters are available for Plan details, Employee Plan Roles, and File Effective Date. |
Plans Missing Integration Link |
Returns a list of Plans that have not been linked to Additional filters are available for Plan details and Employee Plan Roles. |
Plans Missing Investment Providers |
Returns a list of Plans that do not have any Investment Provider entries added to the corresponding view. Additional filters are available for Plan details and Employee Plan Roles. |
Plans Missing Project Types |
Returns a list of Plans that do not have any Projects of a specified Project Type and Period End. This can be a good way to identify Plans that were missed in a round of Projects, such as Annual Administration. Additional filters are available for Plan details and Employee Plan Roles. |
Plans Missing Projects |
Similar to the Plans Missing Project Types report, but identifies Plans lacking a Project launched from a particular Template. |
Tier Availability: Business
This category contains a variety of reports relating to Project, Task, and Project Template management.
Dashboard Tasks |
Lists all Tasks currently active in the Dashboard(s) of one or more Employees. Additional filters are available for Plan End, Plan Type, and Project Type. |
Dashboard Tasks by Plan Role |
Similar to the Dashboard Tasks report, with further filtering options for Employee Plan Role. Useful for Administrators or other Roles tracking active Tasks across multiple Plans. |
Detail Report |
Displays details for a single Project, including Task and Task Item details and responses, Employee and Worktray assignments, and activation and completion dates. A good resource for an all-in-one Project review. |
Multiple Project Status |
Generates a list of Plans with a selection of Projects split out into separate columns. Dates indicate when each Project is due, and are color-coded to indicate Projects that are incomplete and overdue. Useful for analyzing multiple Projects across multiple Plans to identify potential missed deadlines. |
Multiple Project Status by Task |
Similar to Multiple Project Status, but shows more granular detail by breaking Projects into further columns for each Task. |
Project Field Values |
Provides a list of Plans, Projects, and the values entered for Project Fields in those Projects, with chosen Project Fields split out into separate columns. Filters are available for Plan and Project data. |
Project Notes |
Displays the contents of Notes for one or more Projects. Filters are available for Note Category, Date, and Employee who created the Note. |
Project Summary Report |
Provides a simple list of Projects with general information, such as Type, Manager, Frequency, and Period Start and End dates. |
Project Task Elapsed Time | Returns all Projects that contain two selected Tasks. For each Project, dates are provided to indicate if these Tasks were completed; if both Tasks are complete, the report presents the number of days that elapsed between completion. This can be used to gauge the efficiency of workflow and identify areas for improvement or locate outliers. Filters are available for Plan and Project data. |
Project Template Roles | Returns a list of all Tasks in Project Templates along with the currently-assigned Employee Plan Role for each. Useful for visualizing a Project's workflow or locating Roles that need to be reassigned. Filters are available for Project Type, Frequency, and Role. |
Projects Missing Census Data | Generates a list of Annual Administration Projects for a given Period End date that do not have any entries added to the Employees step of Data Collection. Filters are available for Plan Type, Project Name, and Employee Plan Role. |
Status by Task |
Provides a list of Projects with a selection of Tasks split out into separate columns. Dates indicate when each Task was completed. Useful for visually tracking the progress of multiple similar Projects. Filters are available for Plan and Project data. |
Status by Task by Employee |
Similar to the Status by Task report, but with a focus on a single Employee. Tasks are highlighted in yellow to indicate they are assigned to the Employee being reviewed. |
Status by Task Completed |
Similar to the Status by Task report, but with additional controls to fine-tune the Projects that are returned based on Task completion.
Status by Task Group by Employee |
Similar to the Status by Task by Employee report, but with a focus on a Project's Task Groupings rather than its Tasks for a higher-level look at completion. |
Status by Task Grouping |
Similar to the Status by Task report, but with a focus on a Project's Task Groupings rather than its Tasks for a higher-level look at completion. |
Status by Task Grouping Completed |
Similar to the Status by Task Completed report, but with a focus on a Project's Task Groupings rather than its Tasks for a higher-level look at completion. |
Task Assignments Report |
Lists Projects with Tasks split out into columns; each Task indicates the Employee that it is assigned to. This can be used to visualize which Employees with be handling which Projects. Filters are available for Plan and Project data and Employees. |
Task Group Summary |
Similar to the Task Summary report, but with a focus on a Project's Task Groupings rather than its Tasks. |
Task Summary |
Displays the Tasks present in a chosen Project Template, along with a count of Projects launched from that Template. Additional counts note the number of each Task that were completed across all Projects. Good for a high-level look at Task completion statistics. Filters are available for Plan and Project data. |
Tasks Completed by Employee |
For a selection of Tasks, creates a grid for every Employee that completed any of those Tasks. Each grid displays the number of each Task that the Employee completed monthly, with a final grid compiling the total number of Tasks completed monthly. This can be used to compare Employee performance or identify monthly trends in Task completion. Filters are available for Plan data, Project Type, and Task completion dates. |
Template Report |
Displays details for a single Project Template, including Task and Task Item settings, Employee Role and Worktray assignments, Time Codes, and general Project settings. Provides an easy-to-read means of reviewing a Project Template. |
Worktray Tasks |
Similar to the Dashboard Tasks report, but specific to Worktrays instead of Employee Dashboards. |
Tier Availability: Team, Business
Reports in this category relate to PensionPro's To-Do functionality.
To-Do List |
Displays a complete list of To-Dos. Report Type can return results in either an unsorted table or grouped by Employee. Filters are available for Employee, creation and completion dates, Priority, Status, and List Type. |
Web Status Reports
Tier Availability: Business
This category contains reports on activities performed by Contacts on PlanSponsorLink. Most of these reports relate to Web Data Collection.
Client Data Collection Summary |
Generates an all-in-one record of data entered during each step Data Collection for Annual Administration for a single Plan and Plan Year End. Employee census data is summarized. |
Contact Terms of Service |
Provides a list of Contacts who have accepted the Terms of Service on PlanSponsorLink, as well as the date that the terms were accepted on. Contacts who have accepted the Terms of Service on multiple occasions will be included multiple times. |
Data Collection Call List |
Returns a list of Plan Contacts assigned to a chosen Role—along with their phone number(s)—for Plans that currently have Annual Administration with Web Collection launched, and for which the Web Data Collection has not yet been completed. This is a quick way to generate contact details for individuals that need to be reached out to. Filters are available for Project Template, Period End, and Project Manager. |
Data Collection Status Summary |
Generates a chart and a bar graph to visually summarize the completion percentage of each Data Collection step in Annual Administration for a given Period End. Varying Week End dates may be used to retrieve a snapshot of this summary from any point in time. May also be filtered by one or more Project Managers. |
General Web Collection Summary |
Similar to the Client Data Collection Summary report, but pertaining to General Web Collection Projects instead of Annual Administration. |
Management Reports
Security Rights Required: Management Reports
Reports in the following categories are intended for managers, system administrators, and other leaders at the firm; they generally relate to metrics or PensionPro maintenance.
Charts and Graphs
Reports in this category are intended to act as visual aids for certain metrics.
Plan Count Running Totals |
Generates a bar graph showing the total count of Plans over time based on the dates they were added to PensionPro. |
Data Export
This category houses reports that are used for bulk data export rather than detailed data gathering. They do not provide any filters or options and are intended for importing PensionPro data into another system or backing up data locally.
Client Address Data Export |
Data is pulled from the Client tab > Addresses view. |
Client Data Export |
Data is pulled from the Client tab > General view. |
Client Number Data Export |
Data is pulled from the Client tab > Numbers view. |
Contact Address Data Export |
Data is pulled from the Contact tab > Addresses view. |
Contact Data Export |
Data is pulled from the Contact tab > General and Relationship views. |
Contact Number Data Export |
Data is pulled from the Contact tab > Numbers view. |
Contact Plan Role Data Export |
Data is pulled from the Plan tab > Contact Roles view. |
Employee Data Export |
Data is pulled from the Contact tab > General and Numbers views and the Employee tab > Account view. |
Employee Plan Role Data Export |
Data is pulled from the Plan tab > Employee Roles view. |
Employer Data Export |
Data is pulled from the Client tab > Employer Data view. |
Fee Schedule Data Export |
Data is pulled from entries found in the Plan tab > Fee Schedules view. |
Investment Provider Data Export |
Data is pulled from the Plan tab > Investment Provider view. |
Notes Data Export |
Data is pulled from the Notes views of all Client, Plan, Contact, Project, Task, Prospect, Opportunity, and Proposal records. |
Plan Census Data Export |
Data is pulled from the Employees step of Annual Data Collection for each Plan Year. |
Plan Data Export |
Data is pulled from the Plan tab > General view. |
Maintenance Reports
Reports in this category provide information PensionPro settings and high-level overviews of data.
Data Conversion Summary |
Provides a count of various records grouped by the criteria specified below. Each of these groups can be expanded to return a full list of included entries. Useful for an at-a-glance overview of PensionPro records, especially when making large-scale changes.
List Values |
Displays all values added under each List Type for reference purposes. |
Plan Termination to Deactivation Report |
Returns Plans for which Status has been set to Terminated but which have not been Deactivated for All Activity. If the Plan has any open Projects, these will be displayed on individual lines. This helps identify Plans and Projects that still need to be fully closed. |
Security Rights |
Lists all Security Rights, along with the Employees that have been granted each Right. Useful for reviewing which users have which capabilities. |
Time Codes |
Lists all Time Codes, Descriptions, and Billing Codes for review. |
Worktray Listing |
Displays all Worktrays, the Employees assigned to each Worktray, and the Worktray Role of each Employee. Good for reviewing Worktray teams. |
This category includes reports intended to provide insights for making business-related decisions.
Business Influencers |
Lists Contacts ranked in order of number of Plan Contact Roles, and includes total Plan investments, Proposals, and Proposal assets, as well as the last Interaction date. Used for identifying individuals who bring business to the firm and keeping in communication with them.
Monthly Plan Count Invoice Report |
For a given period end date, shows the list of Plans that are considered active for billing purposes.
Plan Count/Status |
For each Plan Type during a given period of time, shows changes in the number of in-service Plans by:
Plan Counts by Plan Type |
Shows a count of all Plans for each Plan Type, with additional counts broken up into month based on the Plan Year End. |
Plan Cycle Details by Employee Role |
For each Employee assigned to a given Employee Plan Role, returns a count of their Plans, as well as the combined assets and participants of those Plans. The Plan Count for each Employee is then further broken down by Plan Type.
Time Reports
Reports in this category focus on organizing Time Slips entered by Employees using PensionPro's Time Tracking feature.
Employee Time Export by Date Range |
Provides a simple export of all Time Slips for a given set of dates. This includes Employee data, hours, Time and Billing Codes, and Plan and Client data. |
Time Analysis By Period |
For a given Plan, calculates the total hours attributed to each Time Code over every year. Useful for identifying the activities that Employees spend the most time on in service to the Plan and for analyzing trends. |
Time Entry Chart |
For a given set of dates, displays two charts: the total hours worked by each Employee on each day, and the total hours attributed to each Time Code on each day. Good for a quick look at recent Employee activity. |
Time Review By Date Range |
For a given set of dates, returns details of every Time Slip, grouped by Employee. Also calculates billing amounts and Employee costs based on the rates established on the Employee's profile.
Time Review By Plan |
Similar to the Time Review By Date Range report, but with Time Slips grouped by Plan rather than Employee. Does not include Time Slips not linked to a Plan. |
Time Review By Project |
Similar to the Time Review by Plan report, but with Time Slips grouped secondarily by Project. Subtotals for billing amounts are included for both Projects and Plans. Does not include Time Slips not linked to a Project. |
SalesPitch Reports
Add-On Availability: SalesPitch
Security Rights Required: Access SalesPitch
The following reports are intended to help track and optimize your sales workflow:
Business Contact Profile |
For a chosen Contact, shows the Proposals and Plans they are linked to and aggregates data such as assets, participant count, and average plan age. Period Start and End filters restrict Proposals based on their Creation Date.
Influencers |
Lists Contacts ranked in order of number of Plan Contact Roles, and includes total Plan investments, Proposals, and Proposal assets, as well as the last Interaction date. Used for identifying individuals who bring business to the firm and keeping in communication with them. |
Map Export Data |
Creates an export of Company and Contact data, including address, phone number, and email. Can be limited to Clients, Contacts, Prospects, and/or Proposals. Filters are available for Status, Address and Number Type, and Contact Role. |
Opportunity List |
Provides a simple list of Opportunities with their associated Company name and Start, Effective On, and Closed dates. Filters are available for Location, Sales Referral Source, and open/closed state. |
Proposal Status |
Generates a list of Proposals with assignee and referral information, Investment Provider, and projected revenues. Elapsed Days are given based on the Closed Date, or the current date for open Proposals. Proposals are then grouped by Status and relevant data is aggregated. Filters are available for Location, assignee, and referral details. |
Proposal Status Graph |
Creates a bar graph to display the number of Proposals closed each month, separated by Status. Intended to visually compare win/loss rates over an annual cycle. Filters are available for Location, assignee, and the Closed On date of the Proposal. |
Proposal Status Scoreboard |
Returns a list of Proposals in a manner similar to the Proposal Status Dashboard. Filters are available for Status, assignee, Plan Type, and Investment Provider. |
Proposal Won/Lost Reason |
For a given set of dates, returns any Proposals closed during that time and the reason each was won or lost. Useful for identifying opportunities for improvement to stay competitive. |
Prospect List |
Provides a simple list of Prospects with basic information. Filters are available for Location, Status, and assignee. |
Revenue Pipeline Report |
Displays a list of Proposals along with total projected recurring and non-recurring revenues for each to estimate future earnings. Filters are available for Location, Status, assignee, and open/closed state. |