Within the PensionPro ecosystem, any user is considered an Employee. In addition to providing the user with access to PensionPro, Employee records are referenced throughout: by Plans (as Employee Plan Roles), by Projects (as assignees), by Blast Email and Secure File Exchange (as senders), and so much more. This article covers the steps necessary to create a new Employee account, as well as what actions should be taken in the event that the Employee leaves the firm (and if they are later hired back).
Tier Availability: Track, Team, Business
Security Rights Required: Add/Edit Employee
Article Contents
Adding an Employee
When a new user needs to be given access to PensionPro, a new Employee record must be created. The Employee record represents the user's account, and contains all the settings relevant to their PensionPro usage.
To add a new Employee:
- Select Add Data > Employee. The Add Employee window displays.
- Enter a First Name, Middle Name (optional), and Last Name.
- If desired, select a Security Role.
- Security Roles are used to control which PensionPro features an Employee can access; this can be changed at a later time. For more information, refer to the article Security Rights & Security Roles.
- Select the primary Location that the Employee will work from.
- For more information, refer to the article Firms & Locations.
- If desired, select Add Location Right.
- This option will provide the Employee with the access necessary to view Clients and Plans associated with the Location chosen in Step 4. In most cases, enabling this is recommended.
- Add the Employee's Email.
- In addition to being the email address associated with this Employee, PensionPro notifications will be sent to this address.
- Create a User Name, which the Employee will use to log in to PensionPro.
- PensionPro recommends using the Employee's email address as the User Name.
- The User Name can be changed at a later time.
- If desired, select Create Helpdesk Account.
- This will automatically set up a PensionPro Help Center account for the Employee. A Help Center account allows the Employee to submit Support tickets and participate in the Community. After the Employee record is created, an email will be sent to the Employee to validate their Help Center account.
- Help Center access can be granted at a later time.
- When finished, select Save.
For information on the changes that can be made to an Employee account following creation, refer to the article The Employee Tab.
Terminating an Employee
Employee accounts cannot be deleted. In the event that an Employee leaves the firm, their PensionPro account will need to be deactivated. This section discusses the process of terminating an Employee account, and how to reactivate the account if the Employee is rehired at a later date.
Additional Security Rights Required: Add/Edit Contact
Prior to Deactivation
The following steps should be taken before the Employee is deactivated. These actions may be more difficult to perform after account deactivation and could result in data becoming inaccessible. In some cases, PensionPro will not allow an Employee to be deactivated if these steps aren't completed.
- Reassign all of the Employee's active Tasks, as well as any Tasks that are assigned to them but have not yet been activated. This can be done from one of the following areas:
- The Employee tab header, using More
> Reassign All Tasks. Refer to the article Tasks and Workflow.
- The Tasks Field Update Power Tool, located under Power Tools > Field Update > Tasks.
- The Employee tab header, using More
- Reassign any To-Dos.
- Remove the Employee from any Plan Roles, and reassign as necessary. This can be done from one of the following areas:
- The Employee tab header, using More
> Reassign All Employee Plan Roles. Refer to the article Employee Plan Roles.
- The Employee Role Power Tool, located under Power Tools > Plans > Employee Plan Roles.
- The Employee tab header, using More
- Reassign the Employee's Proposals (if using SalesPitch).
- Remove all Security Rights.
- Remove the Employee from any Locations and remove all Location Rights.
Deactivating an Employee
The process of terminating an Employee consists of two steps: deactivating the Employee record, and deactivating the corresponding Contact record.
To deactivate the Contact record (optional but recommended):
- Search by the Employee's name, then open the relevant record from the Contacts category to open the Contact tab.
- Alternately, open the relevant record from the Employees category, then navigate to the General view and select the Employee's name in the Contact field to open the Contact tab.
- Navigate to the General view.
- Select Edit
at the top-right of the grid. The Edit General Information window displays.
- Deselect the Active option.
- If desired, set an appropriate Status.
- Select Save.
- PensionPro may display a warning that deactivating the Contact will also deactivate the linked Employee record. Select Save again to confirm.
To deactivate the Employee record:
- Search by the Employee's name, then open the relevant record from the Employees category to open the Employee tab.
- Navigate to the General view.
- Select Edit
at the top-right of the grid. The Edit Employee window displays.
- Deselect the Active option.
- This may already be deselected if the Contact record was deactivated.
- Deselect the Show on PSL option.
- Enter a Date of Termination.
- Select Save.
Once the Employee record has been deactivated per the above instructions, the user will no longer be able to log in to the account.
Rehiring an Employee
In the event that a previously-terminated Employee rejoins the firm, the deactivated Employee record should be reactivated; creating a new Employee record is not recommended. The instructions for reactivation are essentially the steps for deactivation in reverse order.
To return an Employee to an active, work-ready state:
- Open the Employee tab > General view and edit the following:
- Select the Active option.
- Select the Show On PSL option, if desired.
- Remove the Date of Termination.
- Set the Date of Hire as appropriate.
- Open the Contact tab > General view and edit the following:
- Select the Active option.
- If necessary, set an appropriate Status.
- Add the Employee to any relevant Locations and assign any necessary Location Rights.
- Assign any necessary Security Rights.
- Open a Support ticket with the PensionPro Help Desk to reactivate the Employee's Help Center access.
Before the rehired Employee is able to log in to PensionPro again, they will first need to use the Reset Password link on the PensionPro login page to request a new temporary password.
Frequently Asked Questions
An Employee we recently hired was previously in PensionPro as a Contact. Can we link the old Contact to the new Employee?
No; a new Contact record will be created when the Employee is added. To avoid confusion, it may be best to deactivate or delete the old Contact.