This article is part of a series on importing records into PensionPro. Specifically, this article focuses on Employee data. Importing Employee information to create new records is accomplished by saving the necessary data in Excel workbook format, then uploading the data using Power Tools. This article will cover obtaining and completing the proper templates, and uploading those templates to PensionPro.
Tier Availability: Track, Team, Business
Security Rights Required: Access Power Tools
Article Contents
Import Basics
Importing Employee data will create the following record type:
- Employee: An Employee record is used to identify a PensionPro user and manage their account settings and Security Rights.
- Contact: A Contact record is used to store information—such as addresses, phone numbers, and relationship details—about any person known to the firm. Much of the time, these Contacts will be Plan Sponsors, advisors, and consultants; however, each new Employee record also creates (and is linked to) a corresponding Contact record.
Obtaining a Template
Blank templates can be downloaded directly from PensionPro. It is always best to download a fresh copy of the template whenever an import needs to be performed to ensure that it is up to date with PensionPro's current standards.
To obtain a copy of the import template:
- Select Power Tools > Import > PensionPro Setup > Employees to launch the Employees Import Power Tool.
- The Power Tool begins at Step 1: Options. Select More > Download Template. A blank template will be saved to the device.
Completing the Template
The Employee Import template has the following structure:
- Row 2 contains the column headings that represent the fields to be imported.
- Row 1 contains the categories that each field falls into. These generally represent one of the Data Views present on either the Employee tab or the Contact tab.
For more information on the Data Views that correspond to each category, refer to the articles The Employee Tab and The Contact Tab.
Within this template, any field headings highlighted in yellow denote required fields.
The following notes provide insight on completing the Employee Import template; these notes may not be comprehensive of all available columns.
Minimum required data:
First Name and Last Name |
Both fields are required. |
All PensionPro communications and notifications will be sent to (and from) this email address. Must be unique. | |
Location |
The primary Location that the Employee will be assigned to. Must match the name of one of the firm's Locations.
Add Location Right | Determines whether the Employee should be given the Location Rights necessary to view records (Clients, Plans, etc.) under the Employee's assigned Location. Yes/No format. |
User Name | The identifier that the Employee will use to log in to PensionPro. Using the Employee's email address is recommended. Maximum 25 characters; can be changed at any time. |
Optional Employee data:
Show on PSL | Determines if the Employee's information—such as name and email—can be viewed by Plan Contacts under Contact Us on PlanSponsorLink. Also allows the Employee to be selected as a recipient for Secure File Exchange. Yes/No format. |
DOB | Date of birth. MM/DD/YYYY format. |
DOH | Date of hire. MM/DD/YYYY format. |
DOT | Date of termination. MM/DD/YYYY format. |
Part Time | Yes/No format. |
Admin Task Performer | This field is for reference and contains no associated functionality. Yes/No format. |
Security Role | Identifies the Security Role from which the Employee will inherit Security Rights. Must match an existing Security Role. |
Helpdesk Access | Determines if a Help Desk account should be created to allow the new Employee to submit Support requests. Yes/No format. |
Optional Contact data:
Prefix | References a List Value, located under Core > Contact > Contact Prefix. |
Suffix | References a List Value, located under Core > Contact > Contact Suffix. |
Can Receive Blast Email | Yes/No format. |
Ok to Email | Yes/No format. |
Ok to Call | Yes/No format. |
Contact Profession |
References a List Value, located under Core > Contact > Contact Profession. |
Contact Preference |
References a List Value, located under Core > Contact > Contact Preference. |
Contact Grouping | References a List Value, located under Core > Contact > Contact Grouping. |
Contact Category | References a List Value, located under Core > Contact > Contact Category. |
Addresses |
Up to two addresses can be imported.
Numbers |
Up to three phone numbers can be imported.
Last Contacted Date | MM/DD/YYYY format. |
Birthdate | MM/DD/YYYY format. |
Anniversary Date | MM/DD/YYYY format. |
Contact Source | References a List Value, located under Core > Contact > Contact Source. |
Referred By | Must match the first and last name of an existing Contact. |
Assistant | Must match the first and last name of an existing Contact. |
Contact Notes |
One Note may be added to the created Plan.
Optional SalesPitch Contact data:
Sales Territory/Team | References a List Value, located under SalesPitch > Prospect > Sales Territory. |
Is Investment Advisor | Yes/No format. Set to Yes if Broker Dealer, Platform Preference, and/or Investment Provider information is present. |
Broker Dealer | References a List Value, located under SalesPitch > Contact > Broker Dealer. |
Platform Preference | References a List Value, located under SalesPitch > Contact > Platform Preference. |
Investment Provider | References a List Value, located under SalesPitch > Investment > Investment Provider. |
Is RIA | Yes/No format. |
Is Wholesaler | Yes/No format. Set to Yes if Plan Provider information is present. |
Plan Provider | References a List Value, located under SalesPitch > Investment > Investment Provider. |
Importing the Template
Once the template is complete, it can be imported via Power Tools.
- Select Power Tools > Import > PensionPro Setup > Employees to launch the Employees Import Power Tool.
- In Step 1: Options, use the File Selection box to select the import template, then select Next.
- If an issue with the template is detected, an error message will appear in red containing a link to an error log. Selecting the link opens a new Error Log tab, which summarizes any errors (which will prevent the import) or warnings (which will not prevent an import, but may signal undesired results).
- Step 2: Preview will display the records as interpreted by PensionPro. Review the data, then select Next.
- If one or more records contain issues that are preventing a successful import, an error message will appear in red containing a link to download an error log. This error log is a copy of the import template, but with any cells containing errors highlighted in red. Hovering over a highlighted cell will display a note containing the associated error message.
- Step 3: Review summarizes the data to be imported. Select Execute.
- When Step 4: Finish is reached, the data is queued for import. The user will receive two notification emails:
- The first notification is sent immediately to confirm that the import has been queued.
- The second notification is sent when the import has been successfully completed.