In PensionPro, the Employee Tab contains the information and settings corresponding to an Employee's PensionPro account. These include Location and Security Rights, assigned Worktrays, and user preferences.
Opening an Employee Tab
- Use the Search bar to search by Employee name.
- Expand the Employees result list.
- Select the name of the Employee.
- Alternately, selecting More
> View My Account will open the Employee tab for the currently signed-in Employee.
- Alternately, selecting More
Tier Availability: Track, Team, Business
Article Contents
- Contact vs. Employee Records
- Navigating Views
- Views
- Employee Preferences
- More Employee Actions
- Associated Articles
Contact vs. Employee Records
All Employees added to PensionPro have an Employee record, found on the Employee tab. This Employee record is linked to a corresponding Contact record, found on the Contact tab. The Contact tab is maintained separately from the Employee tab, and is where the Employee's name, email, addresses, phone numbers, Interactions, and other information are stored.
When an individual who exists as a Contact is later hired by the firm, the existing Contact record cannot be linked to the new Employee record. Instead, their information should be transferred to the new Contact record, and the old Contact record should be deleted.
The Employee Tab Header
The Tab Header is displayed at the top of the tab, above any selected view. The header contains the following items, presented from left to right:
- The Employee Name.
- The Help
icon, which opens this article in a new browser window.
- The More
icon, which contains menu options for reassigning the Employee's work. Refer to the section More Employee Actions.
Navigating Views
The Views Panel of the Employee tab includes information about the Employee and offers the following views: General, Locations, Security Rights, Account, and Worktrays. It also contains a category of various Preferences.
Editing Attributes
Security Rights Required: Add/Edit Employee
Some views, such as the General and Security Rights views, contain attributes and information that define the Employee profile. To edit these attributes:
- Select Edit
at the top-right of the view.
- Make any necessary changes in the popup window that appears.
- Select Save.
Adding Items
Other views, like the Locations and Worktrays views, contain lists of items attached to the Employee. In these views, items can be added by performing the following steps:
- Select Add
at the top-right of the view.
- Complete the required fields in the popup window that appears.
- Select Save.
The aim of this guide is not to provide an exhaustive list of Employee fields and properties. However, any items of particular note are covered in each view's section, below.
The General view contains some settings that affect the Employee's functionality in PensionPro, as well as fields that store information relating to the individual's employment with the firm, such as Employee ID and Date of Hire.
The Active field determines whether the Employee record is considered active or not. Deactivating an Employee will also prevent them from logging in to PensionPro. For more information, refer to the Terminating an Employee section of the article Adding & Terminating Employees.
The Show on PSL field determines whether or not the Employee will appear on the Contact Us page in PlanSponsorLink for any Plans to which they have been assigned an Employee Role. This setting also determines whether their name will appear in the dropdown of available Employees when sending a Secure File Exchange.
The Single Sign On Username field is required for Employees to properly utilize the Navigation Assistance functionality.
The Locations view is one of two places in PensionPro where Location Rights can be managed (the other being within Firms/Locations). Location Rights determine which PensionPro records an Employee has access to view. For more information—including instructions on adding and removing Location Rights—refer to the article Location Rights.
Security Rights
The Security Rights view is one of two places in PensionPro where Security Rights can be managed (the other being within Security Management). Security Rights determine which PensionPro features an Employee has permissions to access and utilize. For more information—including instructions on adding and removing Security Rights—refer to the article Security Rights & Security Roles.
The Account view controls general account-related options.
The Login Name field defines the username that the Employee will use to log in to PensionPro. This may be changed at any time.
The Signature field allows the Employee to create a signature which can be added to outgoing Blast Email.
- The Edit Account window includes a text editor that provides basic formatting capabilities. For more advanced formatting, consider selecting View Source
from the toolbar to create the signature using HTML code.
- For best results, PensionPro recommends either creating the signature entirely within the editor, or using HTML code. Drafting the signature in a word processing software—such as Microsoft Word—and then copying/pasting the text into the editor is not recommended, as hidden formatting is sometimes carried over from the word processor. This may result in cases where the formatting in the sent email does not match the text's appearance in the editor.
- Signatures can be added to the Body of a Blast Email using the [Sender Signature] Merge Field. This Merge Field will only be available when sending emails from an Employee Plan Role.
An Employee who opens the Edit Account window on their own Employee tab may also choose to update their password using the Update Password option.
The Worktrays view is one of two places in PensionPro where Worktray assignments can be managed (the other being within Worktray Management). A Worktray provides a shared Dashboard where any assigned Employees can view and take Tasks to work.
The Employee may be assigned to a new Worktray by selecting Add at the top-right of the grid.
- The following fields are required: Worktray, Role.
- Multiple Worktrays may be selected.
- The Copy from Employee dropdown provides a list of Employees to copy Worktray assignments from. Existing assignments will not be altered.
Hovering over any Worktray displays the Edit and Delete
options on the right-hand side.
Employee Preferences
Each Employee has access to preferences which allow them to personalize certain aspects of PensionPro. More information on these settings can be found in the article User Account & Preferences.
More Employee Actions
The More menu, located in the tab header at the top-right of any view in the Employee tab, contains additional Employee-related actions, as defined below.
Reassign All Employee Plan Roles
This option allows all of an Employee's existing Plan Roles to be transferred to another Employee. For more information, refer to the Managing Employee Roles section of the article Employee Plan Roles.
Reassign All Tasks
This option allows all of an Employee's assigned Tasks to be reassigned to another Employee. This includes Tasks that have not yet been activated. For more information, refer to the Task Assignments section of the article Tasks and Workflow.
Associated Articles
- Adding & Terminating Employees
- Security Rights & Security Roles
- Location Rights
- Worktray Management
- Dashboard Basics
- Company Directory