Data Import - Contacts

This article is part of a series on importing records into PensionPro. Specifically, this article focuses on Contact data. Importing Contact information to create new records is accomplished by saving the necessary data in Excel workbook format, then uploading the data using Power Tools. This article will cover obtaining and completing the proper templates, and uploading those templates to PensionPro.


Note: A number of fields on the import template must match an established List Value. List Values are used throughout PensionPro to populate the contents of many dropdown lists. More information can be found in the article List Values.
Warning: Import Power Tools are only intended to add new records to PensionPro. They cannot be used to add additional data to, or update, existing records. In some cases, this functionality may be provided by another Power Tool (such as the Field Update category of Power Tools). For more information, refer to the article Power Tools.


Tier Availability: Track, Team, Business

Security Rights Required: Access Power Tools


Article Contents




Import Basics


Importing Contact data will create the following record type:


  • Contact: A Contact record is used to store information—such as addresses, phone numbers, and relationship details—about any person known to the firm. Essentially, this is akin to an entry in an address book or Rolodex; any person can be added if for no other reason than to have their contact information on file.
    • Much of the time, though, these Contacts will be Plan Sponsors, advisors, and consultants. The firm's Employees also have an associated Contact record (which is created when the Employee is added to PensionPro; if intending to import Employee data, refer to Data Import - Employees).


The following record type may also be created depending on the data imported:


  • Company: A Company record is used to collect information about any business or organization—such as addresses and phone numbers—as well as any contacts within that organization.



Obtaining a Template


Blank templates can be downloaded directly from PensionPro. It is always best to download a fresh copy of the template whenever an import needs to be performed to ensure that it is up to date with PensionPro's current standards.


To obtain a copy of the import template:


  1. Select Power ToolsImportPensionPro Setup > Contacts to launch the Contacts Import Power Tool. 
  2. The Power Tool begins at Step 1: Options. Select Moremore_options.pngDownload Template. A blank template will be saved to the device.
  3. (Optional) Select Moremore_options.pngDownload Related Data. A workbook containing useful reference data will be saved to the device.



Completing the Template


The Contact Import template has the following structure:


  • Row 2 contains the column headings that represent the fields to be imported.
  • Row 1 contains the categories that each field falls into. These generally represent one of the Data Views present on the Contact tab.


For more information on the Data Views that correspond to each category, refer to the article The Contact Tab.


The field headings in this template are color-coded to denote importance, as follows:


  • Yellow: The field is required.
  • Orange: The field is not required, but is recommended.
  • Blue: The field is only required if other related fields are being added (for example, Address Type is required if an address is present).


Warning: Deleting columns from the import template, or editing the names of any column headers, will cause the import to fail.


The following notes provide insight on completing the Contact Import template; these notes may not be comprehensive of all available columns.


Minimum required data:

First Name and Last Name

Both fields are required. Each Contact should only be listed once.


References a List Value, located under Core > Contact > Contact Status.

  • If a Related Data workbook was obtained, all available options will be listed on the Status worksheet.
Active Yes/No format. If set to No, the Contact will be Inactive following import.


Optional data:

Prefix References a List Value, located under Core > Contact > Contact Prefix.
Suffix References a List Value, located under Core > Contact > Contact Suffix.
Company Name

The name of the Company that the Contact works for. This references a Company record in PensionPro (as opposed to a Client record). If the Company record exists in PensionPro, the Company Name in this field must match PensionPro exactly. If no existing Company is found, a new Company record will be created and linked to the Contact upon import.

  • If a Related Data workbook was obtained, all existing Companies will be listed on the Company Name worksheet.
Email If the Contact is later added as a Plan Contact Role, they will use this email address to log in to PlanSponsorLink. Must be unique.
Can Receive Blast Email Yes/No format.
Ok to Email Yes/No format.
Ok to Call Yes/No format.
Contact Profession

References a List Value, located under Core > Contact > Contact Profession.

  • If a Related Data workbook was obtained, all available options will be listed on the Contact Profession worksheet.
Contact Preference

References a List Value, located under Core > Contact > Contact Preference.

  • If a Related Data workbook was obtained, all available options will be listed on the Contact Preference worksheet.
Contact Grouping References a List Value, located under Core > Contact > Contact Grouping.
Contact Category References a List Value, located under Core > Contact > Contact Category.

Up to two addresses can be imported.

  • Address 1, City, State, and Zip Code are required address elements.
  • State requires two (2) or three (3) characters for US state or Canadian province abbreviations, respectively.
  • Address Type is required if an address is present. This references a List Value, located under Core > General > Address Type. If a Related Data workbook was obtained, all available options will be listed on the Address Type worksheet.
  • Address is Primary is Yes/No. Only one address should be designated as primary.
  • Address is Personal is Yes/No.
  • PensionPro only supports US and Canada addresses.

Up to three phone numbers can be imported.

  • Number requires ten numeric digits. No specific formatting is required. Extensions should be entered in the Extension field.
  • Number Type is required if a number is present. This references a List Value, located under Core > General > Number Type. If a Related Data workbook was obtained, all available options will be listed on the Number Type worksheet.
  • Number is Primary is Yes/No. Only one number should be designated as primary.
  • Number is Personal is Yes/No.
Last Contacted Date MM/DD/YYYY format.
Birthdate MM/DD/YYYY format.
Anniversary Date MM/DD/YYYY format.
Contact Source References a List Value, located under Core > Contact > Contact Source.
Referred By Must match the first and last name of an existing Contact.
Assistant Must match the first and last name of an existing Contact.
Contact Notes

One Note may be added to the created Plan.

  • Note Text cannot be longer than 2000 characters.
  • Note Category references a List Value, located under Core > General > Note Category.


SalesPitch data:

Sales Territory/Team References a List Value, located under SalesPitch > Prospect > Sales Territory.
Is Investment Advisor Yes/No format. Set to Yes if Broker Dealer, Platform Preference, and/or Investment Provider information is present.
Broker Dealer References a List Value, located under SalesPitch > Contact > Broker Dealer.
Platform Preference References a List Value, located under SalesPitch > Contact > Platform Preference.
Investment Provider References a List Value, located under SalesPitch > Investment > Investment Provider.
Is RIA Yes/No format.
Is Wholesaler Yes/No format. Set to Yes if Plan Provider information is present.
Plan Provider References a List Value, located under SalesPitch > Investment > Investment Provider.



Importing the Template


Once the template is complete, it can be imported via Power Tools.


  1. Select Power ToolsImportPensionPro Setup > Contacts to launch the Contacts Import Power Tool. 
  2. In Step 1: Options, use the File Selection box to select the import template, then select Next.
    • If an issue with the template is detected, an error message will appear in red containing a link to an error log. Selecting the link opens a new Error Log tab, which summarizes any errors (which will prevent the import) or warnings (which will not prevent an import, but may signal undesired results).
  3. Step 2: Preview will display the records as interpreted by PensionPro. Review the data, then select Next.
    • If one or more records contain issues that are preventing a successful import, an error message will appear in red containing a link to download an error log. This error log is a copy of the import template, but with any cells containing errors highlighted in red. Hovering over a highlighted cell will display a note containing the associated error message.
  4. Step 3: Review summarizes the data to be imported. Select Execute.
  5. When Step 4: Finish is reached, the data is queued for import. The user will receive two notification emails:
    • The first notification is sent immediately to confirm that the import has been queued.
    • The second notification is sent when the import has been successfully completed.