Adding, Deactivating, or Deleting a Contact

Contacts in PensionPro are useful in a number of ways; not only do they store contact information, they can also be assigned to Plan Roles and added to Communication Lists. This article covers creating Contacts, as well as managing Contact records in other ways.


Tier Availability: Track, Team, Business

Security Rights Required: Add/Edit Contact


Note: Some features may not be available in all tiers.


Article Contents




Adding a Contact


Contacts can be added to PensionPro independently, or they can be assigned to a Company. The process for adding a Contact is similar in either case.


Note: During the process of adding Contact information, a number of input fields populate their dropdown options by pulling in List Values. More information on List Values can be found in the article List Values.


  1. Open the Add Contact Window by doing one of the following:
    • From the Navigation Panel, select Add Data > Contact.
    • In the Company tab, open the Contacts view, then select Addadd.png to the top-right of the grid.
  2. Enter the name of the Contact, as well as any other pertinent details.
    • The following fields are required: First Name, Last Name
    • The following fields are List Values located under Core > Contact: Prefix, Suffix, Profession
    • In the Company field, type the first few letters of the contact’s company name and select the appropriate result from the list that appears beneath the field. A company name will not save to the Contact if it is not selected from this list.
      • If the company does not exist in PensionPro, select Addadd_2.png to the right of the Company field and enter the company name. The new Company will be created along with the Contact.
      • If adding a Contact from a Company tab, the Company field will not be available.
    • The Add Contact window asks for an (optional) email address. Other contact methods can be added following Contact creation.
    • The Communication Lists field can optionally be used to add the Contact to a Communication List. For more information, refer to the article Communication Lists.
  3. Select Save.
    • Alternately, select the dropdown arrow on the Save button and select Save and Open. This will create the Contact and open a Contact tab to display the new record.



Deactivating a Contact


When required, a Contact can be designated as Deactivated within PensionPro. As opposed to deleting a Contact, deactivation has the advantage of retaining all Activity, Notes, Contact Information, and Interaction history associated with that Contact.


A deactivated Contact will not appear in any search results, unless the Show Deactivated/Closed option is enabled in Search Preferences.


Note: Prior to deactivating a Contact, it is advisable to remove them from any Plan Contact Roles and revoke any Website Rights. Deactivating a Contact will completely remove the Contact's access to PlanSponsorLink.


  1. From the General view of the Contact tab, select Editedit.png at the top-right. The Edit General Information window will appear.
  2. If necessary, select the appropriate option for the Status field from the dropdown menu near the bottom of the window.
  3. Deselect the Active checkbox.
  4. Select Save.



Reactivating a Contact


  1. From the General view of the Contact tab, select Editedit.png at the top-right.
  2. Select the Active checkbox.
  3. Select Save.



Deleting a Contact


Additional Security Rights Required:  Maintenance


Note: Prior to deleting a Contact, it is advisable to remove them from any Plan Contact Roles and revoke any Website Rights. Deleting a Contact will completely remove the Contact's access to PlanSponsorLink.


Deactivating a Contact is recommended over deleting it, as a deactivated Contact retains Contact Information, Activity and Interaction history, and other data. Deleted Contacts are removed from PensionPro permanently, and any records associated with them (such as File Access Logs) may be erased as well. However, if the deletion of a Contact is necessary, follow these steps:


  1. From the General view of the Contact tab, select Editedit.png at the top-right.
  2. In the Edit General Information window, select the Marked for Deletion checkbox.
  3. Select Save.
  4. From the Navigation Panel, select Maintenance > Data Deletion
  5. Select Contacts from the Views panel. Contacts marked for deletion will appear in the grid.
  6. Hover over a Contact to highlight the record and select Deletedelete.png on the right-hand side.
  7. Select Yes to confirm the deletion.