Web Collection for Distributions

When a Distribution requires the approval of—or documents from—a Plan Sponsor, Web Collection may be added to the Distribution Project. After Web Collection is enabled for a Distribution, the Distribution Request will be available for review by any relevant Plan Contacts in PlanSponsorLink.


Tier Availability: Business Bundle

Security Rights Required: Add/Edit Project


Article Contents




Project Template Requirements


For Project Templates with the Distribution Project Type, Web Collection must be enabled and established within the Template prior to launching the Distribution. Sample Distribution templates, with and without Data Collection Task Groupings, are attached to this article and can be found in the sidebar on the right-hand side of this page (or at the bottom of this page on mobile devices).


Specific details about the Template Requirements for Distributions with Web Collection can be found in the article Project Templates; specifically, the section titled Web Collection Requirements.



Blast Email for Distribution Requests


When a Distribution requires Data Collection, the Distribution Request must be reviewed and approved by the Plan Sponsor(s). While the communication method used to notify the Plan Sponsor of a required Web Collection is ultimately up to the TPA or firm, PensionPro recommends utilizing its Blast Email feature. Blast Email allows for the creation of email templates to be reused for both Distribution Requests and Reminders; it also simplifies Contact management, and stores a record of the email Interaction so that there is no more uncertainty over whether a reminder was sent or not.


Sending a Distribution Request Blast Email will automatically complete the first Task of the Data Collection Task Grouping. Distributions requiring Web Collection will not be displayed on PlanSponsorLink until this Task has been completed.


For more information, refer to the article Blast Email for Data Collection.



PlanSponsorLink for Data Collection


A Distribution's Data Collection activity is the process by which a Plan Sponsor reviews the Distribution information—including Participant name, Plan name, and Distribution reason—and approves the Distribution as appropriate. Directing Plan Sponsors to PlanSponsorLink.com is a convenient way to manage this process. The relevant information will be displayed directly to the Plan Sponsor, and PensionPro will automatically track any approval and store any documents or notes that may be provided.





During Web Collection, the Plan Sponsor will have the opportunity to upload any documents that may be relevant to the Distribution Request. These documents can be accessed in PensionPro via the Files view of the Distribution's Project tab.


Alternatively, documents can be delivered to the Plan Sponsor in a similar manner. To upload a File to PlanSponsorLink:


  1. On the Files view of the Distribution's Project tab, select Addadd.png at the top-right of the grid.
  2. Select Openopen_file.png to choose a document for upload.
  3. Provide a Title and File Type.
    • Type is a List Value located under Core > File Types
  4. Select Show on PSL.
  5. Select Save.


Note: These steps should be completed before sending the Distribution Request to the Plan Sponsor.


When the Plan Sponsor accesses PlanSponsorLink to approve the Distribution Request, the document(s) will be available alongside the Participant and Plan information.





During Web Collection, the Plan Sponsor will also have the ability to leave notes for the TPA. These notes can be accessed in PensionPro via the Notes view of the Distribution's Project tab. Additionally, when the Plan Sponsor signs off to approve a Distribution, a Note is automatically added to PensionPro detailing the signer's information.


Alternatively, Notes can be created in PensionPro to be seen by the Plan Sponsor on PlanSponsorLink. To create a note:


  1. On the Notes view of the Distribution's Project tab, select Addadd.png at the top-right of the grid.
  2. Enter the desired text into the Note field.
  3. Select Show on PSL.
  4. Select Save.


Note: These steps should be completed before sending the Distribution Request to the Plan Sponsor.


When the Plan Sponsor accesses PlanSponsorLink to approve the Distribution Request, the Note will be available alongside the Participant and Plan information.



Data Collection on the Distribution Tab


Regardless of what stage Data Collection is in—whether it has not yet been started on PlanSponsorLink, or has already been completed—the information can be accessed and managed through the relevant views on the Distribution tab. The following subsections detail each view that is added to the Distribution tab when Data Collection is used; these are found under the Data Collection grouping within the Views Panel on the left.





The Request view displays the date that the Distribution Request Blast Email was sent to the Plan Sponsor.


If the Distribution Request has not yet been sent, selecting Editedit.png allows the Distribution to be easily marked for deletion.


Information entered into PlanSponsorLink can be downloaded in Excel workbook format by selecting Moremore_options.pngDownload Report.





The Approval view displays the current status of the Distribution Request, including the date the request was sent, and the date the request was approved by the Plan Sponsor.