ftwilliam.com Integration - Setup & Preferences

PensionPro recognizes that ftwilliam.com is an indispensable tool for many Third-Party Administrators; it is not at all uncommon to use PensionPro and ftwilliam.com side-by-side. To enhance both applications and allow greater functionality when used in conjunction, PensionPro offers the ability to integrate with ftwilliam.com. These integration features allow data to be easily shared between the two applications, and provide a means for quickly accessing areas of ftwilliam.com from within PensionPro. This article covers the steps necessary to enable this integration and discusses the associated settings and preferences.


The setup steps and preferences presented in this article are required prior to using the following features:



Tier Availability: Team, Business
Security Rights Required: Maintenance


Note: Some items may not be available in all tiers.


Article Contents




Integration Setup


To link information between PensionPro and ftwilliam.com, API Sign-In Credentials must be obtained from ftwilliam.com. Firms that do not already have this information should reach out to their ftwilliam.com sales consultant to request an API key, as well as an SSO Source Reference (if desired). The API key is mandatory for setting up the integration and linking items between the two applications. The SSO Source Reference is optional, but enables the following features:


  • Streamlined access to ftwilliam.com's Form 5500 filing through PlanSponsorLink
  • Navigation Assistance functionality to jump quickly from PensionPro to ftwilliam.com



Entering the FTW API Credentials in PensionPro


  1. Upon receipt of API credentials from ftwilliam.com, return to PensionPro. From the Navigation Panel, select MaintenancePreferencesIntegrationsftwilliam.com.
  2. Select Editedit.png at the top-right of the settings grid. The Edit ftwilliam.com Settings popup window appears.
  3. In the API Key field, enter the API Key provided by ftwilliam.com.
  4. If an SSO Source Reference was provided, enter it into the SSO Source Reference field.
  5. Select Save.


Upon saving the settings, the Verified field will indicate Yes if a correct API Key has been entered. If the API Key is not correct for any reason, when saving the settings, a dialog will display the warning “Settings cannot be verified, please check your API key”, and the Verified field will display 'No'. The Verified field must display 'Yes' for the integration to function properly.





In addition to API Key and SSO Source Reference, the following settings can be enabled or disabled in the General view:



PSL SSO Enabled


This stands for PlanSponsorLink Single Sign-On Enabled. Set to Yes if Clients will be directed to PlanSponsorLink to sign their Form 5500. Enabling this feature links the ftwilliam.com 5500 Portal to PlanSponsorLink; in other words, a signer using PlanSponsorLink will be able to log in directly to ftwilliam.com from PSL to sign their Form 5500.



Government Forms Enabled


Set to Yes to allow the integration and linking of information between PensionPro and ftwilliam.com’s Form 5500 software. Once enabled, fields from the Filings view of the Plan Cycle tab in PensionPro populate following completion on ftwilliam.com. These fields update every 2 hours:


  • 5500 Invited Date
  • Sponsor Signed Date
  • Admin Signed Date
  • DFE Signed Date
  • 5500 Filed Date
  • 5500 Accepted Date
  • Sign Status
  • Acceptance Status
  • 5558 Filed Date
    • This must be part of a 5558 batch on ftwilliam.com marked as "Completed".


To access these fields in PensionPro, open the desired Plan and select the Plan Cycles view. Double-click the desired Plan Cycle record in the grid to open a Plan Cycle tab, and select the Filings view.

Additionally, with this option enabled, PensionPro can back-fill the above Form 5500 information for any Plan that meets the following criteria:


  • A Plan Cycle exists in PensionPro
  • The filing information for that Plan Cycle existed in ftwilliam.com prior to integration


After a link between Client and Plan information has been established between the two applications, the above information will generally be populated in PensionPro within 72 hours. To sync the corresponding Plan Record, both an Employer Data record (under the Client) and a Plan Cycle record (under the Plan) must have the same Period Start Date as the 5500 that was filed for the Plan.



Compliance Enabled


Set to Yes to allow the integration and linking of information between PensionPro and ftwilliam.com’s compliance software. Set this option to No if ftwilliam.com's compliance software is not being used.

Once enabled, fields from the Test Results view of the Plan Cycle tab in PensionPro populate following completion on ftwilliam.com. These fields update every 2 hours:


  • ADP
  • ACP
  • 401(a)(4) General Nondiscrimination
  • Top Heavy
  • 415 Limit
  • 404 Deduction Limit
  • 410(b) Coverage – 401(k)
  • 410(b) Coverage – ER Match
  • 410(b) Coverage – ER PS


To access these fields in PensionPro, open the desired Plan and select the Plan Cycles view. Double-click the desired Plan Cycle record in the grid to open a Plan Cycle tab, and select the Test Results view.

As with the Government Forms Enabled option, PensionPro can automatically populate these fields with data from ftwilliam.com. Refer to the description for this option (found above) for requirements.



Create Records in ftwilliam.com


Set to Yes to allow Client and Plan information to be created in ftwilliam.com via the PensionPro user interface. Information that can be created in ftwilliam.com through PensionPro is as follows:


  • Client Fields
    • Company Name
    • Client Address (Address must be set to Primary in PensionPro)
    • Client ID
    • Phone Number (Phone Number must be set to Primary in PensionPro)
    • Entity Type (Currently defaults to “other” on ftwilliam.com)
    • EIN
    • Fiscal Year-End
  • Plan Fields
    • Plan Name
    • Plan Type (Currently defaults to “WL”)
    • Checklist (Currently defaults to “Misc”)
    • IRS Plan Number
    • Plan Year-End
    • Trust EIN



Update Records in ftwilliam.com


Set to Yes to allow certain information that is updated in PensionPro to also be updated in ftwilliam.com. Company Name, Client ID, Plan Name, and TPA Plan ID are synced fields that will update on ftwilliam.com if changed in PensionPro.



Enable ftwilliam.com Navigation Assistance


Set to Yes to allow users to easily create and link records in ftwilliam.com from certain views within PensionPro. This preference does not fully enable the use of Navigation Assistance; for a complete list of criteria, refer to the Getting Started section of the article ftwilliam.com Navigation Assistance.



Enable the Import Specifications Button on Plan Document


Set to Yes to allow the integration and linking of information between PensionPro and ftwilliam.com’s Plan Document software. Enabling this feature allows users to import a Plan’s Document Specifications from ftwilliam.com into PensionPro.