Managing Opportunity Information

Opportunities represent new companies that a firm is interested in bringing on as a new client. The Opportunity page is where users can track general information and Proposals for Opportunities.


Add-On Availability: SalesPitch

Security Right Required: Access SalesPitch


The Opportunity screen is divided into the General, Proposals, To-Dos, Files, Interactions, and Notes menus. A description and function for each of these menus can be found below. To access the Opportunity screen, select Proposal Status under the Dashboards > Scoreboards menu. Then click on the hyperlink to open the opportunity. Users can also search for and open the opportunity in the Search bar.


Article Contents






The Opportunity > General menu provides general information about an Opportunity.



  • Add an Opportunity: Click the Add icon in the Opportunities menu of the Prospect. Complete all required fields and click Save. Users also have the ability to Save & Open to open the newly created Opportunity, or Save & Add New which will open the Add Opportunity Information pop-up to add another new Opportunity. Users can also add an opportunity from the Add Data menu.
  • Edit an Opportunity: Hover over the Opportunity in the Opportunities grid and click the Edit icon. Update the desired information and click Save. Users can also close the opportunity by selecting a Closed On date. This will also close out any associated Proposals and remove them from the Scoreboard.
  • Delete an Opportunity: Hover over the Opportunity in the Opportunities grid and click the Delete icon. Confirm deletion by clicking Yes. If the Opportunity is not linked to a Prospect, the user cannot delete the Opportunity. Instead, the users can close the Opportunity.


Fields Displayed:

  • Name: This is the name of the opportunity.
  • Proposed Service Effective On: This is the date the services for the opportunity are to commence.
  • Start Date: This is the date the opportunity was started.
  • Sales Referral Source: This is the source of the opportunity. These values come from the Proposal Sales Referral Source List Value.





The Proposal menu provides a list of Proposals associated with an Opportunity.



  • Add a Proposal: Click the Add icon in the Proposals menu of the Opportunity. Complete all required fields and click Save. Users can also click Save & Open to open the newly created Proposal. Users also have the option to add a proposal from the Add Data menu.
  • Edit a Proposal: From the Proposals menu of the Opportunity, hover over the Proposal in the Proposals grid and click the Edit icon. Update the desired information and click Save. Proposals can be opened by double-clicking the Proposal record. 
  • Delete a Proposal: Hover over the Proposal in the Proposals grid and click the Delete icon. Click Yes to confirm deletion. 


Fields Displayed:

  • Name: This is the name of the Proposal to be associated with the Opportunity. This field is used to identify the Proposal. The system will default to the name of the Opportunity. It is recommended to include other identifiers such as the type of Proposal in the name as well for clarification from other Proposals on the scoreboard for the same Opportunity, such as 401(k), DB. A Proposal is a plan or service being proposed.
  • Plan Type: This dropdown being pulled from the Proposal Plan Type List Value is used to identify the type of Plan. Proposals become plans in PensionPro when the business is sold.
  • Started On: The date this Proposal record was started.
  • Closed On: The date this Proposal record was closed either through a sale of a new business or a lost sale. 
  • Status: This dropdown being pulled from the Proposal Status List Value is used to identify the status of the Proposal in the sales process. This can be helpful in tracking the Proposal for follow-up purposes.
  • Closed On: The date this proposal record was closed either through a sale of a new business or a lost sale. When a data is entered in this field, the proposal will no longer be viewable on the Scoreboard.  





The To-Dos menu provides general information about all To-Dos associated with the Opportunity.


To find more information on To-Dos, please review the Using To-Dos article.





The Files menu displays the files associated with the Opportunity.


  • Add a File: Click the Add icon on the Files menu of the Opportunity. Complete all required fields and click Save
  • Edit a File: Hover over the File in the Files grid of the Opportunity and click the Edit icon. Update the desired information and click Save
  • Delete a File: Hover over the File in the Files grid of the Opportunity and click the Delete icon. Click Yes to confirm deletion. 
  • Archive a File: Hover over the File and click the Edit icon. Select the Archived checkbox and click Save. Users can access archived files by clicking More menu > Show Archived button. Users can edit an archived file and change the archived status to bring the file back to the regular grid to view.
  • Download a File: Users can download files by double-clicking the File from the grid, or by hovering over the file and clicking the More menu > Download


Fields Displayed:

  • Type: The type of file - Dropdown List Pulling from Opportunity File Type List Value.
  • Title: The title of the file.
  • Description: An additional description of the file for reference.
  • Created On: Date the file was added to the proposal.





The Opportunity Details Notes menu provides general information about all notes associated with this Opportunity.


For more information on Notes, please refer to the Using and Maintaining Notes article.