Using the Scoreboard

Understanding the SalesPitch Scoreboard is crucial in organizing and navigating your sales lead information. PensionPro organizes your sales leads into four basic scoreboards. These are the Proposal Status, Revenue Pipeline, Influencers, and Prospects scoreboards. This article reviews the data stored within each scoreboard and how they are used. Let's get started!


Add-On Availability: SalesPitch

Security Rights Required: Access SalesPitch


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Proposal Status Scoreboard


The Proposal Status Scoreboard displays the columns that contain information for any Proposals for which a closed date has not been entered on the Proposal screen. This scoreboard is accessed from the Dashboards menu > Scoreboard > Proposal Status. In addition to the general information about Proposals, the Proposal Status Scoreboard shows specific information regarding each individual proposal such as: the user, all active opportunities, the current stage of the sales process, who is responsible for closing the opportunity and how long it has been since contact was made. The following is a list of columns shown on the Proposal Status Scoreboard.


  • Opportunity: This is the name of the Opportunity entered into SalesPitch. The Opportunity name is a hyperlink.  Clicking on the hyperlink will take the user to the Opportunity's General Information grid.
  • Proposal: This is name of the Proposal entered into SalesPitch. Double click the record to open the Proposal's General Information grid where you can find general information on the proposal.
  • Plan Type: Type of Plan for this Proposal.
  • Investment Provider: The name of the Investment Provider being presented for this proposal (an Opportunity can have more than one Proposal for those situations where multiple platforms or investment advisors are being proposed).
  • Main Contact: The main contact that has been associated with this Proposal. This field is a hyperlink. Clinking the hyperlink will take the user to the Contact's General Information screen. Here, information can be edited by clicking the edit icon in the upper right corner of the grid.
  • Assets: The value of the Plan's assets.
  • Proposal Date: Date of the Proposal.
  • Date of Last Interaction: The date of the most recent interaction logged in PensionPro (calls, emails, meetings, etc) that have been associated with this Proposal. This is a hyperlink and if clicked on, will take the user to the interaction which can be updated by clicking the Edit icon in the upper right corner of the grid.
  • Probability of Closing: This percentage is linked to the levels of status as set up by the user to monetize the probability of closing the proposal.
  • Status: This is the status of the Proposal. Statuses are set up by the user to match the sales cycle of the firm.
  • Reason Won/Lost: The reasons listed are set up by the user. Lost notes that the proposal should be closed.
  • Assigned To: This is the employee assigned to this Proposal.
  • Annual Flow: The amount of contributions made to the Plan on an annual basis.
  • Participant Count: Number of participants in the Plan being proposed.
  • Referred by: The contact that referred the Proposal.
  • Sales Territory: Sales territories as defined by the user.


For information on sorting, filtering and grouping the Scoreboard click here.



Revenue Pipeline Scoreboard


The Revenue Pipeline Scoreboard displays the following columns of information for any Proposals that a closed date has not been entered on the Proposal screen. While the general status and demographic information are shown on the Proposal Status Scoreboard, the Revenue Pipeline Scoreboard directs the users focus to the revenue associated with a Proposal or group of Proposals.  Both recurring and non-recurring revenue is displayed.


  • Opportunity: This is the name of the Opportunity entered into SalesPitch. The Opportunity name is a hyperlink that if clicked on, will take the user to the Opportunity's General Information screen.
  • Proposal: This is name of the Proposal entered into SalesPitch. Double click the record to open the Proposal.
  • Non-Recurring Asset Based Revenue: For example, a conversion fee paid by a vendor or a one-time commission.
  • Non-Recurring Fee Revenue: For example, a takeover fee or document charge.
  • Recurring Asset Based Revenue: For example, compensation paid by a vendor or fund company on an ongoing basis.
  • Recurring Fee Revenue: For example, annual administration fees.
  • Total Non-Recurring Revenue: This amount will be calculated from the entries made above.
  • Total Recurring Revenue: This amount will be calculated from the entries made above.
  • Probability of Closing: The probability that a proposal will be closed and business will be added. 
  • Status:  This is the status of the Proposal.  Statuses are set up by the user to match the sales cycle of the firm.
  • Reason Won\Lost: The reasons listed are set up by the user.
  • Assigned To: This is the employee assigned to this Proposal.
  • Sales Territory: Sales territories as defined by the user.


For information on sorting, filtering and grouping the Scoreboard click here.



Prospects List Scoreboard


The Prospects List Scoreboard displays information about those individuals or companies that represent prospecting opportunities. Prospects are typically individuals or companies that a user would like to do business with, but have yet to form a relationship. For example, if Accountant A sends a user business, but is only 1 of 10 accountants in a firm, the other 9 accountants could be Prospects.


  • Name: The Name of a contact or company that is a Prospect.
  • Sales Referral Source: The location in the sales process where the prospect was referred to the user.
  • Category: A categorization for the Prospect. The Category can represent where the sales process is for the Prospect.
  • Last Interaction: The latest interaction that was made with the company or contact. Click the hyperlink to be taken directly to the last interaction.
  • Assigned To: The name of the employee who is assigned to the Prospect. Click the hyperlink to be taken to this user's contact record.
  • Location: This column refers to the internal firm location the Prospect belongs if necessary.
  • Sales Territory: If internal sales territories are setup within your firm, this field represent the sales territory your firm the Prospect is located within.


 To learn more about sorting, filtering and grouping Dashboards, click here.



Frequently Asked Questions


  • What happened to the Influencers Scoreboard that was available on the PensionPro desktop application?
    The Influences Scoreboard has transitioned into a Report in PensionPro 2.0. To access it, navigate to Reporting > SalesPitch > Influencers.

  • How do I remove employees that were terminated from the Prospects Assigned to dropdown menu on the Proposal Status?
    Users should first confirm if the proposals should be reassigned to another employee. Next, make sure the terminated employee no longer has the Access SalesPitch Security Right.