Using the Milestones Dashboard

PensionPro Milestones are high-level events that take place during the Annual Data Collection process. The Milestones dashboard pulls data from the Milestones section of Plan Cycles, displaying these annual plan events by Plan ID and Period. The purpose of the Milestones dashboard is to provide all users with an easy-to-access snapshot of annual 'milestones' for multiple plans across multiple plan years.


Tier Availability: Track, Team

Security Rights Required: Add/Edit Plan Cycle


Note: Some items may not be available in all tiers.


Article Contents




Viewing the Milestones Dashboard


Users can view and filter the Milestones Dashboard by Employee Plan Name and/or Role assignment by clicking the Assigned To and/or Role dropdown menus. To view another Employee's Milestones Dashboard, the user will need the View Other Dashboards security right.



Customizing the Milestones Dashboard


The dashboard can easily be customized to display only fields that are important to the user.


To customize displayed fields:

  1. From the Milestones Dashboard click the Columns icon in the upper right corner of the grid. A Columns dropdown will appear.
  2. Place a checkmark in the boxes next to the fields that should be displayed. If all fields should be displayed, click the Show All button.
    • Users can rearrange field order by clicking a field column header and dragging and dropping the field column header to the position desired.
    • Users can further filter results by clicking the Filter icons in each of the field column headers.
    • Users can drag a column to the light grey grouping bar to filter the dashboard even further.
      1. Click a field column header and drag the header to the gray bar to group by that field column.
      2. Users can sort results by clicking a field column header to display results in ascending or descending order of the particular field clicked.



Editing the dates for the Milestones Dashboard


  1. From the Milestones Dashboard, click the Plan name to be directed to the General Plan Information screen.
  2. Click Plan Cycles from the Views Panel.
  3. From the Plan Cycles grid double-click on the Plan Cycle period.
  4. Click the Milestones menu and click the Edit icon in the upper right corner.
  5. Edit the desired information in the Edit Milestones window.
  6. Click Save when finished.