Bulletins on PlanSponsorLink

Bulletins allow users to post information available to all plan sponsors with website rights on their PlanSponsorLink (PSL) website. Bulletins are found in the Communications menu of the Navigation Panel.


Tier Availability: Track, Team, Business


Article Contents



Bulletins are a form of mass communication; moreover, they are a place where PensionPro users can post important news or generic documents online so that all plan sponsors can view the posted information. For example, a user could post a Bulletin of an upcoming event to announce that information to plan sponsors. Bulletins appear on the Industry Bulletins tab on PlanSponsorLink when enabled. 


Accessing Bulletins

PensionPro users can access Bulletins from the Navigation Panel by clicking Communications > Bulletins. Users do not need any Security Rights to add, edit, download, or archive bulletins.



Enable Bulletins


Bulletins will only appear on PlanSponsorLink if the Show Bulletins Tab preference is enabled. To enable, users must have the Maintenance Security Right. 


  1. Click Maintenance > Preferences > PensionPro.
  2. Select PlanSponsorLink from the Preference Types listed in the menu on the left.
  3. Click the Edit icon next to the Show Bulletins Tab preference.
  4. Select Yes from the Value dropdown.
  5. Click Save


Users can also control the name of the Bulletins tab on PlanSponsorLink by updating the Industry Bulletins Title preference.

  1. Click Maintenance > Preferences > PensionPro.
  2. Select PlanSponsorLink from the Preference Types listed in the menu on the left.
  3. Click the Edit icon to the right of the Industry Bulletins Title preference.
  4. Select Yes from the Value dropdown.
  5. Click Save.



To Add a Bulletin 


  1. Click the Add icon to the right of the PlanSponsorLink.com Bulletins grid. An Add Bulletin pop-up window will appear.
  2. Click the Select a File icon to select a file for the Bulletin.
    • HTML can be entered in the Description field for further customization. 
  3. Select the Show On PSL checkbox to display the Bulletin on PlanSponsorLink.
    • Any Bulletin that has 'Yes' entered for Show On PSL will appear on the PlanSponsorLink site.
  4. Click Save to complete.



To Edit a Bulletin


  1. Hover over a Bulletin to highlight it.
  2. Click the Edit icon located on the right side of the Bulletin.
  3. Edit the data in the slider that appears and then click Save to complete the changes.
    • If users want to remove a Bulletin from appearing on the PlanSponsorLink site, they must update the Show On PSL field to 'No'.



To Delete a Bulletin


Security Right Required: Delete Documents


  1. Hover over a Bulletin to highlight it.
  2. Click the Delete icon located on the right side of the Bulletin.
  3. The screen will ask to confirm with the message: "Are you sure?" Click Yes to confirm deletion.
    • Deleted Bulletins will no longer appear on the PlanSponsorLink site.



To Download a Bulletin


Users can download a bulletin by double-clicking a bulletin from the grid. Downloaded files will appear in the users File Bin. Users can save, open, or delete files from the File Bin.



To Archive a Bulletin


Users can archive Bulletins to organize the Bulletins grid. Archiving a Bulletin will remove the Bulletin from the PlanSponsorLink.com Bulletins grid on PensionPro. To access an archived Bulletin, Click the More icon in the upper-right corner and select Show Archived.


  1. Click the Edit icon to the right of a Bulletin.
  2. Select the Archived checkbox at the bottom of the Edit Bulletin pop-up window.


Simply archiving a Bulletin will not remove it from appearing on PlanSponsorLink. The Bulletin must first be edited to reflect 'No' in the Show On PSL field.



Accessing a Bulletin on PlanSponsorLink


Plan sponsors can find any posted bulletins on the Industry Bulletins tab of PlanSponsorLink. Bulletins appear on the grid by date and can be downloaded by clicking the Download button.