How-To: Edit a Company Name

Editing a Company Name allows users to change the existing name for a company associated with a Client or a Contact. This article will explain how to edit a Company Name from the Company Information grid, the Client Information grid and the Contact - General Information grid.


Tier Availability: Track, Team, Business

Security Rights Required: Add/Edit Client, Add/Edit Contact, or Add/Edit Company Name


Users can edit a company name by first searching for the name in the Search bar. 



From the Company Information Grid


  1. Open a Company record from the Search results.
  2. Click the Edit icon. An Edit Company pop-up window appear.
  3. Edit the Company Name and click Save to confirm.


Users can also edit a Company Name when working in the Client Information or Contact-General Information grids in PensionPro.



From the Client Information Grid


  1. Open a Client record from the Search results.
  2. The Client > General tab will display the Client Information Grid. From the grid, click the Name link to open the Company Information grid.
  3. Click the Edit icon. An Edit Company pop-up widow will appear.
  4. Edit the Company Name and click Save to confirm.



From the Contact Details tab


  1. Open a Contact record from the Search results.
  2. The Contact > General tab will display the General Information grid. Click the Company link to open the Company Information grid.
  3. Click the Edit icon. An Edit Company pop-up window will appear.
  4. Edit the Company Name and click Save to confirm.