If you or one of your Employees is having difficulty signing in to the PensionPro application, follow the troubleshooting steps within this article to gain access.
Request a Password Reset
If this is your first time logging in to PensionPro, or you have forgotten your password, use the Reset Password link found below the login fields on app.pensionpro.com. Enter your username, then select Reset Password; you will receive an email containing a temporary password. You will be prompted to choose a new password after successfully signing in.
If you do not receive a Temporary Password email
The email containing your temporary password should be delivered within a few minutes. If you do not receive this email, try the following:
- Check your Spam or Junk folders for the email.
- Ensure your email address is correct in PensionPro. Ask another PensionPro user to open your Contact record and access the General view. The value found in the Email Address field is the address that the email will be sent to. This value may be changed if necessary.
- Ask your IT department to whitelist the following address: no-reply@pensionpro.com. Once complete, attempt the password reset again.
Confirm Credentials
If you are still unable to sign in using the temporary password you received, you will need to verify that your login credentials are correct.
For best results, copy and paste the randomly-generated password received in the Temporary Password email. When doing so, ensure that you are not inadvertently including any spaces before or after the password.
If you requested a password reset multiple times, you must use the password from the most recent Temporary Password email.
To verify that your username is correct, ask another PensionPro user with Add/Edit Employee Security Rights to open your Employee record and access the Account view. The value found in the Login Name field is the username that should be entered into the PensionPro login screen. This value may be changed if necessary.
Active Account
It may also be necessary to determine if your Employee account is still active. An inactive user is unable to sign in to PensionPro.
Ask another PensionPro user with Add/Edit Employee Security Rights to open your Employee record and access the General view. Review the value for the Active field; if set to No, the account will need to be reactivated by following the steps in the Rehiring an Employee section of the article Adding & Terminating Employees.
Help Center Credentials
Your Help Center login credentials are maintained separately from the username and password you use to sign in to the PensionPro application. If you received a Password Reset email but are still having difficulty logging in to PensionPro, verify the sender of the email. If the email was from support@pensionpro.zendesk.com, it pertains to your Help Center account and not your PensionPro account.
To troubleshoot issues logging in to the Help Center, refer to the article Accessing the PensionPro Help Center.