The Plan tab displays information about any existing Plan. It is separated into multiple sections under the Views panel, including Employee Roles, Projects, Files, etc. This article covers each of the views found within the Plan tab, as well as how to add, edit and delete Plan data.
Opening a Plan Tab
- Use the Search bar to search by Plan name.
- Expand the Plans result list.
- Select the name of the Plan.
Tier Availability: Track, Team, Business
Article Contents
The Plan Tab Header
The Tab Header is displayed at the top of the tab, above any selected view. The header contains the following items, presented from left to right:
- The Client Name that the Plan belongs to. Selecting the Client Name returns the user to the Client tab.
- The Plan Name.
- The Help
icon, which opens this article in a new browser window.
- The More
icon, which contains menu options for sending a Fast Blast, creating Merge Documents, and Navigation Assistance.
Navigating Views
The Views Panel of the Plan tab includes information about the Plan and offers the following views: General, Defined Benefit, Daily Valuation, Health & Welfare, Employee Roles, Contact Roles, Projects, Interactions, Distributions, Project Fields, Investment Providers, Services Provided, Fee Schedules, Files, To-Dos, Notes, Plan Cycles, and Specifications.
Editing Attributes
Security Rights Required: Add/Edit Plan
Some views, such as the General and Defined Benefit views, contain attributes and information that define the Plan. To edit these attributes:
- Select Edit
at the top-right of the view.
- Make any necessary changes in the window that appears.
- Select Save.
Adding Records
Other views, like the Employee Roles and Interactions views, contain lists of records attached to the Plan. In these views, records can be added by performing the following steps:
- Select Add
at the top-right of the view.
- Complete the required fields in the window that appears.
- Select Save.
The aim of this guide is not to provide an exhaustive list of Plan fields and properties. However, any items of particular note are covered in each view's section, below.
The General view contains the information that was entered during Plan creation, such as Plan Name and Plan Type, as well as other basic information, like Status and Client Servicing Level.
- The following fields are required: Plan Name, Plan Year Month End, Plan Year Day End, Status, Type, Combo Plan, Valuation Frequency, Admin Type, QDIA Fund Name, Filing Cycle, Category, Group, Added On, Service Effective On
- The following fields are List Values located under Core > Plan: Client Servicing Level, Status, Type, Combo Plan, Termination Reason, On Hold Reason, Valuation Frequency, Form 5500 Type, Admin Type, QDIA Fund Name, Filing Cycle, Category, Group
Additionally, integration functionality can be found by selecting More at the top-right of the General view. This functionality can link the Plan in PensionPro to an existing plan, or create a new plan within If this option is not available, refer to the article Integration - Setup & Preferences.
Defined Benefit
The Defined Benefit view contains Defined Benefit information, including fields relating to actuarial firms and frozen assets. This view is disabled by default; if necessary, select the Defined Benefit checkbox when editing the General Plan Information from the General view.
- The following field is required: PBGC
- The following field is a List Value located under Core > Plan: PBGC
Daily Valuation
The Daily Valuation view contains Daily Valuation information, including fields relating to payroll contributions and remittances. This view is disabled by default; if necessary, select the Daily Valuation checkbox when editing the General Plan Information from the General view.
- The following fields are List Values located under Core > Plan: Participant Statement Delivery, Payroll Contribution Calculation, Payroll Frequency, Remittance Type, Trading Platform
Health & Welfare
The Health & Welfare view contains Health and Welfare information, including fields relating to claim processing and Medicare reporting. This view is disabled by default; if necessary, select the Health & Welfare checkbox when editing the General Plan Information from the General view.
- The following fields are List Values located under Core > Plan: Claim Processing Location, Payroll Frequency, Remittance Type
Employee Roles / Contact Roles
Employee Plan Roles are the assignments employees fill when servicing a plan, such as Administrator or Billing Specialist. Plan Contact Roles are the contact assignments used in communications to clients and referral sources; for example, Investment Advisor or Billing Contact. These two views are covered in greater detail in the articles Employee Plan Roles and Plan Contact Roles.
New Roles may be added by selecting Add
- The following field is required for Employee Roles: Employee Plan Role
- The following fields are required for Contact Roles: Contact, Plan Contact Role
- The following fields are List Values located under Core > Plan: Employee Plan Role, Plan Contact Role
Hovering over any Investment Provider record displays the Edit and Delete
options on the right-hand side.
Security Rights Required: Add/Edit Project
The Projects view displays all Projects associated with the Plan. Double-clicking a Project record within the grid opens the Project in a new Project tab. For more information on this tab, refer to the article The Project Tab.
New Projects may be added from the Plan tab by selecting Add
- The following fields are required: Project Type, Template
- The following fields may be required based off of the chosen Template: Start Date, Due Date, End Date
- The following field is a List Value located under Core > Project: Project Type
- The Template field dropdown populates its items from existing Project Templates. These templates can be accessed by selecting Maintenance from the Navigation Panel, then selecting Templates.
- For every Employee Role assigned within the Project Template, a matching Employee Role must exist within the Plan.
Further information on Projects:
The Interactions view displays any Interactions, such as Blast Emails and Secure File Exchanges, that are related to the Plan. For more information on Interactions, refer to the article Interactions.
New Interactions may be added by selecting Add
- The following fields are required: Type, Title, Interaction Date
- The following field is a List Value located under Core > Interactions: Type
Hovering over any Interaction record displays the Edit and Delete
options on the right-hand side.
Double-clicking an Interaction record opens it in a new Interaction tab.
Email and Blast Email interactions can be re-sent by selecting the Interaction record to highlight it, then selecting More > Resend Interaction. Alternately, the Interaction can be forwarded to a new Plan Contact by selecting More
> Forward Interaction.
Security Rights Required: Add/Edit Project
The Distributions view displays all Distribution Projects associated with the Plan. Double-clicking a Distribution record within the grid opens the Distribution in a Project tab. The Distribution version of the Project tab is similar to a Project tab, as discussed above in the Projects section; however, views relating to data collection and plan cycles are replaced by views displaying distribution information
New Distribution Projects may be added from the Plan tab by selecting Add
Full instructions for adding Distributions, as well as information relating to Distributions, are located in the article Distributions.
Project Fields
If any Task Items within a Project were tagged as Project Fields, the answers to those Task Items will display in the Project Fields view. This view is automatically populated; new records cannot be manually added.
The dropdown labeled Show Most Recent can be used to change the number of records that display at once. This setting applies to each Project Field, rather than all at once; for example, if a Project with ten Project Fields is run seven times, then setting Show Most Recent to 1 will display the single most recent entry for all ten Project Fields. Setting it to 5 will display the five most recent entries for all ten Project Fields; i.e., fifty items. The options available for this setting are 1, 5, 10, and All.
For more information on Project Fields, refer to the article Project Fields.
Investment Providers
The Investment Providers view provides general information about the investments associated with the Plan.
New Investment Providers may be added by selecting Add
- The following field is required: Investment Provider
- If the Investment Provider does not yet exist as a List Value, selecting the [Add New Investment Provider] option from the dropdown displays the Investment Provider Description field, where a new Investment Provider List Value can be created.
- The following fields are List Values located under Core > Investments: Investment Provider, Investment Direction, Investment Model, Data Collection Source, 1099 Responsibility, Transfer Status, Distribution Processor, Revenue Sharing Type, Fee Disclosure Type, Vesting Submission
Hovering over any Investment Provider record displays the Edit and Delete
options on the right-hand side.
Investment Providers that have a Terminated Date set can also be Archived by selecting the Archived checkbox in the Edit Plan Investment Providers window. Archived Investment Providers will be hidden from the Investment Providers view by default; to view these records, select More > Show Archived.
Services Provided
The Services Provided view displays general information about any services provided on behalf of the Plan.
New Investment Providers may be added by selecting Add
- The following field is required: Service
- The following field is a List Value located under Core > Plan: Service
Hovering over any Services Provided record displays the Edit and Delete
options on the right-hand side.
Fee Schedules
Security Rights Required: Add/Edit Fee Schedules
The Fee Schedules view provides information on fee schedules associated with the Plan.
New Fee Schedules may be added by selecting Add
- The following fields are required: Action, Selection, Start Date
- The options for the Action field are Copy from an existing Fee Schedule and Copy from a Fee Schedule Template. Copying from an existing Fee Schedule is only available if another Active Fee Schedule exists under the Plan; otherwise, a new Fee Schedule requires a Global Template. Steps for creating templates can be found in the article Fee Schedules.
- The options for the Selection field will either be existing Plan Fee Schedules or Global Templates, depending on the option chosen in the Action field.
- The Status field is locked to Edit and cannot be changed until after the Fee Schedule is created.
Hovering over any Fee Schedule record displays the Edit and Delete
options on the right-hand side.
- Editing a Fee Schedule allows the Status field to be changed.
- Only schedules with an Active status can be copied when adding new Fee Schedules.
- Individual Fee items cannot be added to a Fee Schedule unless the status is set to Edit.
- If the status is set to Closed, End Date will become a required field.
Double-clicking on a Fee Schedule record displays all the individual Fees associated with that Fee Schedule. If the Fee Schedule status is set to Edit, new Fee items may be added by selecting Add
- The following fields are required: Type, Amount Type, Frequency, Payor, Payment Source
- The following fields are List Values located under Fee Schedules: Type, Amount Type, Category, Frequency, Payor, Payment Source
Hovering over any Fee item record displays the Edit and Delete
options on the right-hand side.
The Files grouping contains views displaying the Legal Plan Files, Administrative Forms, and Fiduciary Files that are stored for the Plan. All three views function similarly.
New Files may be added by selecting Add
- The following are required fields: Title, Type
- The following field is a List Value located under Core > File Types: Type
- To choose a file for upload, use the File Selection box to navigate to and select the desired file using the file explorer. Alternately, drag-and-drop a file from the file explorer into the File Selection box.
Double-clicking a File record opens the File in a new browser tab, where the file can be downloaded.
Hovering over any File record displays the Edit and Delete
options on the right-hand side.
If Show on PSL is selected, the File can be accessed and downloaded by PlanSponsorLink users under the Documents tab.
Selecting View Access Log in the Title column opens a window displaying the name of any Plan Sponsors or PensionPro users who accessed the File, as well as the date and time the File was accessed. This tracking ability can assist in managing Data Security, as well as determining whether the Plan Sponsor ever opened the File.
Files can be Archived by selecting the Archived checkbox in the Edit Plan File window. Archived Files will be hidden from the Files view by default; to view these records, select More > Show Archived.
Additionally, PensionPro features DocuSign integration, allowing uploaded Files to be sent to contacts for E-Signature purposes. This can be accessed by single-clicking to select the File record from the grid, then selecting More > Send E-Signature Document. This feature is covered more extensively in the article DocuSign Integration.
For more information on Plan Files, refer to the article Files & Documents.
The To-Dos view displays To-Do items for the Plan, allowing their progress to be tracked.
New To-Dos may be added by selecting Add
- The following fields are required: Title, Assigned To
- The following field is a List Value located under Core > General: Status
Hovering over any To-Do record displays the Edit and Delete
options on the right-hand side.
If the To-Do's Priority field is set to Critical, a Critical icon will display next to it in the grid.
For more information on To-Dos, refer to the article To-Dos.
The Notes view displays any Notes pertaining to the Plan.
New Notes may be added by selecting Add
- The following field is required: Note
- The following field is a List Value located under Core > General: Category
Hovering over any Note record displays the Edit and Delete
options on the right-hand side.
If the Important checkbox has been selected for a Note, an Important icon will display next to that Note in the grid.
Notes can be Archived by selecting the Archived checkbox in the Edit Note window. Archived Notes will be hidden from the Notes view by default; to view these records, select More > Show Archived.
For more information on Notes, please refer to the article Notes.
Plan Cycles
The Plan Cycles view displays a list of Plan Cycle records for the Plan.
New Plan Cycles may be added by selecting Add
- The following fields are required: Period Start, Period End
- The length of time between Period Start and Period End dates cannot be greater than one year.
Double-clicking a Plan Cycle record within the grid opens the Plan Cycle in a new Plan Cycle tab.
For more information on Plan Cycles, refer to the article Plan Cycles.
The Specifications view provides document information for the Plan generated from Document Specification Provider Templates.
New Specifications may be added by selecting Add
- The following fields are required: Action, Status, Effective Date
- The following required fields may display based off of the chosen Action: Document, Template
- The following field is a List Value located under Core > General: Status
- The options for the Action field are Copy from Existing Document and Copy from Existing Template. Copying from an existing Document is only available if another Document Specification exists under the Plan; otherwise, a new Document requires a Template.
- The Provider and Vendor fields are automatically populated based off of the existing Document or Template; these cannot be altered.
Hovering over any Note record displays the Edit option on the right-hand side. Double-clicking a Document record in the grid opens the Specifications for that Document.
For more information on Document Specifications, refer to the following articles:
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the On Hold checkbox do?
Placing a check in the On Hold checkbox will enable the On Hold feature. Select an On Hold Reason to have an "On Hold" message appear anytime a user opens the Plan or a Project Task for the Plan. The user must acknowledge the message before any work can be resumed. When the dialog appears, users will see the On Hold Reason that was selected.- The On Hold Reason is a List Value located under Core > Plan
- The On Hold Reason is a List Value located under Core > Plan
What is the Added On field for?
This field is typically used to track when a Plan was added to a firm's tracking software or CRM.
What does selecting the checkbox for the Internal Plan field do?
Selecting the Internal Plan checkbox for a Plan is typically used for in-house Plans only. This hides the Specifications, Investment Providers, Services Provided, Plan Contacts, Files, and any exposed Defined Benefit, Daily Platform, or Health and Welfare views for that Plan.
I have the Distributions add-on, but I cannot add a Distribution on the Workflow tab of the Plan as the Add button is greyed out. What am I doing incorrectly?
Ensure Distributions are enabled for this plan. From the General view of the Plan tab, select Editin the upper-right. Scroll to the bottom of the Edit General Plan Information window, select the checkbox for Distributions Enabled, and select Save.