In PensionPro, Events are used to track a large number of Projects, providing quick counts to determine how many Projects have hit certain milestones, and how many are still on their way. Event Configuration represents the first step toward using Events, where each Event is created and its behavior is set before it is used by Event Management. For a simplified introduction to Events, refer to the article Events: An Overview.
Tier Availability: Business
Security Rights Required: Add/Edit Event Configurations, Maintenance
Article Contents
Planning Event Configurations
Each Event Configuration represents a single Event to be tracked. For example, an Event Configuration named 5500 Filed might be used to track which Annual Administration Projects have reached a point where a Form 5500 has been filed, as well as the Projects that have not yet reached that milestone.
Planning Events, then, means understanding which Project milestones should be tracked. This may include some of the following common milestones types:
- Data request
- Data Collection
- Testing
- Billing
- Form completion and filing
Events can be used to track milestones shared by different Project Templates. This means that if Annual Administration is performed slightly differently for 401(k), profit sharing, and defined benefit plans, and requires a different Template for each, Events can still track these Projects together. However, if it's necessary to track these Projects separately, Event Configurations should be created for each (such as 401(k) 5500 Filed).
Events that will be reused in the future do not need separate Event Configurations. Event Management can track Events by a specific Period End date, so batches of Projects performed at varying times can be tracked separately without requiring new Event Configurations to be created for each batch.
Managing Event Configurations
To begin working with Event Configurations, navigate to Maintenance > Preferences > Event Configurations. A new Event Configurations tab opens.
The Event Configurations grid displays any existing Configurations, along with information such as Event Name, Plan Type, and Project Frequency. New Event Configurations can be created by selecting Add at the top-right of the grid; refer to the section Event Configuration Settings for more information on Configuration requirements.
Hover over a Configuration in the grid to display the Copy, Edit, and Delete options on the right-hand side. Copying an existing Configuration displays the Add Event Configuration window with the selected Configuration's settings pre-filled for easy editing.
Once an Event Configuration has been created, it needs to be added to Projects before it can be tracked in Event Management. Refer to the article How-To: Add Events to Projects.
Event Configuration Settings
This section details the fields used when adding or editing an Event Configuration. Many of the settings applied to an Event Configuration are used by Event Management as criteria for determining Plan and Project counts and identifying potential issues.
Event Name
The name of the Event as it will be referenced by Projects and Event Management. Must be unique.
A brief description of the Event Configuration. Optional.
This description will be displayed in Event Management above the drill-down grids for the Event.
Used to group similar Event Configurations together for classification and filtering. Optional.
The available options for the Category field are determined by List Values, located under the following List Type: Core > Projects > Event Category
Plan Type
Determines the Plan Type(s) relevant to the Event. Multiple Plan Types may be selected; at least one Type is required. These Plan Types will be used by Event Management to identify Eligible Plans for the Event.
For example, if 401(k) is the only Plan Type chosen for an Event, then the Eligible Plans view in Event Management will only return 401(k) Plans. Conversely, no 401(k) Plans will be returned if the 401(k) Plan Type is not added to the Event Configuration.
Users new to Event Configuration may wish to include all Plan Types for simplicity.
Service Provided
Determines the Plan Service(s) relevant to the Event. Multiple Services may be selected; at least one Service is required. These Services will be used by Event Management to identify Eligible Plans for the Event.
At least one of a Plan's Services must match one of the Services Provided specified in the Event Configuration for Event Management to consider it an Eligible Plan.
The Plans without Services Provided item can be used to identify Plans which have not had any Services specified. This item should also be selected by firms who are not utilizing the Services Provided feature.
Users new to Event Configuration may wish to include all Services Provided. For more information on Services Provided, refer to the article Services Provided for Plans.
Project Frequency
This value can be set to either Annual or Non-Periodic, and should match the Frequency of the Project being tracked.
The value selected for this field will determine certain functionality for the Event. Most importantly, an Annual Event can track Eligible Plans, Projects launched, and Tasks Completed/Remaining. A non-recurring Event is only able to track Tasks Remaining.
Safe Harbor
Only applicable to Annual Events
This value can be set to either All, Yes, or No. The Safe Harbor value will be used by Event Management to identify Eligible Plans and Projects for the Event. Specifically, Event Management will compare this value against the Safe Harbor value found in the Plan Cycle record for the relevant Period End date.
An example Event may track the need for ADP/ACP testing for 401(k) Plans. For this Event Configuration, Safe Harbor should be set to No.
Users new to Event Configuration may wish to include all Safe Harbor values.
Due Date Type, Period, & Number
Period & Number are only applicable to Annual Events
Due Dates are used by Event Management to determine when the Event is expected to be completed. This may not necessarily be the due date of the Project, as some Event milestones might be reached prior to Project end.
The Due Date Type field will be set to Static or Calculated by Period End depending on the Project Frequency used. This value cannot be set manually.
The Due Date for Events operates similarly to the External Deadline for Projects. Non-Periodic Events use a Static Due Date that is set when the Event is added to Event Management. Annual Events use the Period and Number fields to generate an appropriate Due Date based on the event's Period End. For example, setting Period to Month and Number to 7 may be useful for a 5500 Filed Event to help meet filing deadlines.
Service Effective On & Service Terminated On
Only applicable to Annual Events
These values can be set to either Honor or Disregard a Plan's Effective On or Terminated On date, as required. Event Management uses these values to determine Eligible Plans and Projects.
Specifically, Honor Service Effective On date excludes Plans with an Effective On date later than the Event's Period End date. Conversely, Honor Service Terminated On date excludes Plans with a Terminated On date prior to the Event's Period End. There are no exclusions if these dates are Disregarded.
For example, a Plan that is Terminated on 7/31/2020 will not be considered an Eligible Plan for an Event with a 12/31/2020 Period End if Service Terminated On is set to Honor the Terminated On date.
Conversely, a Plan that is being taken over in 2020 would not be included in an Event with a 12/31/2019 Period End, so Service Effective On should Honor the Effective On date.
Project Template Names
Determines the Project Template(s) expected to be used for the Event. Optional.
Selecting Project Templates will not affect Eligible Plan/Project counts in Event Management, but may be used to help identify potential issues.
The Templates available for selection are determined by the Project Frequency value; only Project Templates with matching Frequencies will be shown.
Deactivating an Event Configuration will prevent new iterations of the Event from being created manually. A deactivated Event may still appear as a Suggested Event in Event Management and can added from that view.