The Company Directory provides an easy way to find other Employees in PensionPro by providing a quickly-accessible list. Employees are grouped by Location, further simplifying the process of identifying a particular individual. This article details how to use the Directory, and how to manage the Employees within it.
Tier Availability: Business
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Using the Directory
The Company Directory can be accessed quickly from any page within PensionPro. To open the Directory, select More > Company Directory in the PensionPro header at the top-right.
The Company Directory tab will display each of the firm's Locations as a collapsed menu. Select a Location to expand it; all Employees currently assigned to that Location will be displayed in alphabetical order by last name. If available, an Employee's title, email address, and extension will be shown below their name. Inactive Employees are not included in the Directory.
Double-click on an Employee to open their record in a new Employee tab.
Select Send Email on the right-hand side of any Employee record in the Company Directory to begin a new email draft with the Employee's email address pre-filled. This draft will open in the user's default email application.
Managing the Directory
Security Rights Required: Maintenance
An Employee can be associated with any of the Firm's Locations (or with multiple Locations) in the Company Directory. This article assumes that the appropriate Locations have already been created. If this is not the case, refer to the article Firms & Locations for information on adding new Locations.
Making changes to an Employee in the Directory has no impact on the Location Rights that determine which Plans the Employee has access to view. For more information on assigning and using Location Rights, refer to the article Location Rights.
The Company Directory is managed on a Location-by-Location basis. To add or remove Employees, first open the appropriate Location:
- Navigate to Maintenance > Firms/Locations. The Firm tab opens.
- Select Locations from the Views list on the left.
- Double-click the desired Location. A new Location tab opens.
- Select Directory from the Views list on the left.
The Directory view grid displays all Employees that are currently associated with the Location.
To add Employees to the Directory:
- Select Add
at the top-right of the grid. The Add Employee window displays.
- Use the Employee dropdown to select the desired Employee.
- Multiple Employees can be selected.
- An Employee can be added to the Directory in multiple Locations.
- Select Add all Employees to add any Employee that is not already associated with this Location.
- Select Save.
Inactive Employees can be added to a Location, but will not be shown in the Company Directory. By default, these Employees are also not displayed in the Directory view of the Location tab. To manage these Employees, select More > Show Inactive.
To remove an Employee from the Directory in this Location, hover over the Employee in the grid, then select Delete on the right-hand side.