DocuSign Integration

DocuSign is a software solution that provides support for the web-based signing of documents. PensionPro offers integration with DocuSign services to seamlessly manage and send these documents to the necessary signers. A record of this Interaction will be stored within PensionPro, where the status of the document can also be tracked. This article covers configuring the DocuSign integration, creating E-Signature Templates, and sending documents for signature.


DocuSign integration can be used with Files uploaded to the following items:

  • Distributions
  • Plans
  • Projects
  • Proposals


PensionPro's DocuSign integration feature is intended for use with DocuSign's Business Pro subscription tier. Users subscribed at lower tier levels will still be able to send documents using this integration, but some functionality—such as status tracking—will not be available.


Firms that are not currently utilizing DocuSign can sign up for a 30-day free trial↗; integration with PensionPro will be fully functional during this trial period.


Tier Availability: Business

Important: Throughout the course of this article, certain actions will be performed within DocuSign. Additionally, the article may reference DocuSign's documentation. PensionPro cannot provide any direct support for the use of DocuSign outside of general instructions, and is likewise not responsible for any changes made to the functionality of DocuSign or its documentation.


Article Contents




Security Rights


The following Security Rights must be added to an Employee record to make full use of the DocuSign integration feature:



For more information on assigning Security Rights, refer to the article Security Rights & Security Roles.



Integration Setup


Security Rights Required: Maintenance


To access the DocuSign Settings tab, select Maintenance > PreferencesIntegrationsDocuSign. This tab contains the following settings:


  • Integrated: Displays Yes if the integration has been set up, or No if integration has not been established.
  • Account Name: If integrated, contains the name of the associated DocuSign account.
  • Account ID: If integrated, contains the ID of the associated DocuSign account.
  • Status: Displays the integration status as one of the following values:
    • Active if integration is established
    • Connected if a Connect Key has been provided
  • Token Valid: Displays Yes if the link between PensionPro and DocuSign is verified, or No if the link token cannot be verified.
  • Token Expires On: The date that the token will expire and the link will be re-verified.
  • Connect Key: If a Connect Key is set, displays the first four digits of the Key, with the remaining digits blinded out.


These settings cannot be configured individually, but are established during the linking process.



Linking DocuSign to PensionPro


Establishing the basic integration link will enable the ability to send E-Signature Documents.


  1. From the DocuSign Settings tab in PensionPro, select Moremore_options.pngStart Integration.
  2. A confirmation dialog appears. Select Yes; the DocuSign login screen will open in a new browser tab.
  3. Log in to DocuSign from the opened tab. A message should appear stating that the link between the two applications has been established.
  4. Close the DocuSign browser tab to return to PensionPro.
  5. The DocuSign Settings tab in PensionPro will now display a banner confirming that the settings have been updated. Select Refreshrefresh.png to verify the new settings.



Setting the Connection Key


Although optional, the Connection Key will need to be set to enable status tracking for E-Signature Documents within PensionPro, and to enable the ability for signed copies of documents to be uploaded to PensionPro automatically. This feature is only available with DocuSign's Business Pro tier.


The following steps begin in DocuSign and end in PensionPro, and must be completed by a DocuSign user with administrative privileges.


Within DocuSign:

  1. To obtain a Connect Key, refer to the DocuSign article How to set up HMAC security with your app↗; specifically, the section titled Add HMAC keys for your app. Follow steps 1 through 4.
    • When asked to log in, do so from↗. Do not create or log in to a developer account.
  2. After generating a key in DocuSign per the above article, the newly-generated key will be fully visible. Copy the entire key, or otherwise note it elsewhere.
    • For security purposes, this will be the only time that the DocuSign key will be fully visible. It will not be accessible at a later time. If the key is lost, a new one will have to be generated.
  3. Return to PensionPro.


Within PensionPro:

  1. From the DocuSign Settings tab in PensionPro, select Moremore_options.pngSet Connect Key. The Set Connect Key window displays.
  2. Enter or paste the key obtained from DocuSign per the above instructions.
  3. Select Save.


The Status field should now read Connected, indicating that the DocuSign integration is fully configured.



E-Signature Templates


Security Rights Required: Maintenance, Add/Edit E-Signature Templates


In PensionPro, an E-Signature Template is a small template that will be attached to a File before it is sent to DocuSign. This template determines which Contact Roles will be required to sign the document, and specifies the Subject and Message used in the notification email sent by DocuSign. An E-Signature Template allows these settings to be quickly applied to every File it is attached to.


E-Signature Templates can be managed from MaintenanceE-Signature Templates. The grid on this page displays any Templates that have already been created.


Hovering over a Template in the grid displays the Editedit.png and Deletedelete.png options on the right-hand side.


To copy an existing Template, click to select it in the grid, then select Moremore_options.png > Copy.



Adding a Template


At least one E-Signature Template must be created before a File can be sent to DocuSign.


  1. Select Addadd.png to the top-right of the grid. The Add E-Signature Template window displays.
  2. Enter a Template Name, for reference.
  3. If desired, enter a Description for the Template.
  4. Select a Source from the dropdown.
    • Available Sources are Distribution, Plan, Project, and Proposal.
    • The Source specifies which type of File a Template can be applied to. For example, a Template with Source set to Plan can only be used with Plan Files.
    • The Signer Role and Order and CC fields will not be displayed until a Source is selected.
  5. Select the Signer Role(s) that will be required to sign the document.
    • These will either be Plan Contact Roles or Proposal Contact Roles, based on the selected Source.
    • If multiple Roles are chosen, the document will be sent for signature to each Role in order, one after another. To adjust the signing order, select and hold a Role, then drag it up or down to reposition it in the list.
  6. If necessary, select any Roles to CC. The document will be sent to these Roles for reference only; no signature will be required. 
  7. Enter a Subject and Message that will be used in the email sent to the signer by DocuSign.
  8. Select Save.



Sending a File to DocuSign


Security Rights Required: Create E-Signature Requests


Once the integration preferences are established and E-Signature Templates are created, a File in PensionPro can be sent to DocuSign. Within DocuSign, the File can be prepped for electronic signature, and then sent to any Contact Roles who are required to sign (as specified by the Template).


  1. Navigate to the appropriate Files view of either the DistributionPlanProject, or Proposal tab.
  2. Select the desired File from the grid, then select Moremore_options.pngSend E-Signature Document. The Send E-Signature Document window appears.
  3. Select the appropriate Template from the dropdown.
    • The available Templates are based on the Source that was selected during Template creation.
  4. Signer and CC Contacts will automatically populate based on the Signer and CC Roles that were selected during Template creation.
    • Additional Contacts can be added manually by selecting within the text field and searching by the Contact name.
  5. Select the desired Action.
    • Send will send the document normally.
    • Send and Add will send the document, and add a copy of the signed document to PensionPro as a separate File. (requires a Connection Key)
    • Send, Add, and Archive will perform the same function as Send and Add, but will also archive the original File. (requires a Connection Key)
  6. If the selected Action includes Add, set the Signed File Title for the signed copy of the document as it should appear in PensionPro.
  7. The Subject and Body will automatically populate based on the Subject and Body fields that were specified during Template creation. Edits may be made, if necessary.
  8. Select Send to DocuSign.


At this point, DocuSign will open in a new browser tab, where the document can be prepared and sent. PensionPro will transfer the File to DocuSign along with any relevant signer and CC details.



After the File is Sent


Although the primary function of the DocuSign integration is to easily transfer E-Signature Documents from PensionPro to DocuSign, there are some additional actions that occur within PensionPro after the transfer is made.


The moment that the File is sent to DocuSign, a new Interaction detailing the E-Signature Document will be added to the associated Plan or Proposal tab. After the Interaction is added, changes that are made within DocuSign will not update the Interaction. For more information on using Interactions, refer to the article Interactions.


If the Action chosen on the Send E-Signature Document window was either Send and Add or Send, Add, and Archive, a signed copy of the File will automatically be added to PensionPro when all required parties have provided signatures. If Send, Add, and Archive was chosen, the original File will also be archived so that the signed copy is the only version visible by default. The signed copy will be stored in the same location as the original File.

  • This functionality is only available for DocuSign's Business Pro subscription tier.



Status Tracking


If a Connection Key was established during setup (see Setting the Connection Key), PensionPro will display the current status of any E-Signature Document. This status can be viewed alongside the Interaction that was created when the File was sent to DocuSign. A Status column will be added to the Interaction view's grid if a status exists; the status can also be viewed by double-clicking the Interaction to open it in a new Interaction tab.


The status will display one of the following:

  • Draft: The File was transferred to DocuSign, but has not been sent to any signers.
  • Sent: The document was sent for signing.
  • Completed: All necessary signatures have been obtained.


Regardless of what state the document is in, selecting the status will open it in DocuSign.



Frequently Asked Questions


  • Can I send a zip file containing multiple documents?
    DocuSign does not support zip files. If desired, multiple documents may be combined into one PDF. Refer to the DocuSign article Supported File Formats↗.

  • Is there a limit on the file size for the document being sent for signature?
    The file size is limited to 5MB.

  • Are the attachments sent between PensionPro and DocuSign secure?
    Files that are transferred back and forth between PensionPro and DocuSign are encrypted.

  • Are we required to have a unique DocuSign account for each PensionPro user who uses this feature?
    The integration connects all of a firm's users to a single DocuSign account.

  • Does the integration support multiple signers on one document?
    Yes, multiple Contacts can be specified as required signers—either in the E-Signature Template, or when the E-Signature Document is sent to DocuSign. The order of signatures can be changed within the E-Signature Template.

  • What notifications are received when documents are signed?
    DocuSign will send notifications to the email address associated with the DocuSign account. The nature of these notifications is based on the account's settings. Firms may wish to consider using their business name as their DocuSign account name, along with a shared email address to allow users across the firm to receive notifications.

  • Must a Plan be set up in PensionPro before a Proposal File can be sent for signature?
    A user with access to SalesPitch can send the File for signature within the Files view of the Proposal tab. If SalesPitch is not enabled, a Plan does need to exist before a Proposal File can be sent.

  • Can I report on the status of the documents sent through DocuSign?
    Yes. The status of the document (as discussed in Status Tracking) is available in the Interaction List report, located at ReportingCommunications > Interaction List. A Fetch query can also include an Interaction's Status field. Additional reporting options within DocuSign are discussed in the DocuSign article Using Reports↗.

  • Who can I contact at DocuSign?
    Useful DocuSign contacts include Sales↗ and Support↗.